Walnut tree expert question

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

What can you plant under/near a walnut tree? I know that it will kill many plants, but there are a few that will live. Is this the right place to ask this question? Thanks!!!!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


I found three sites that may help you answer your question. The first site gives you general information on how juglone works on plants.
The second site has an extensive list of plants that will grow under walnut trees. If you ignore the ads, the third site has a bigger list. Hope this helps.

One thing to consider is how much water the walnut tree has been getting. I used to live near a walnut orchard that was for the most part razed and a housing tract put in. Soon lawns and plants surrounded these trees. These trees were used to deep infrequent watering. Within a few years all the trees were dead. The shallow and frequent watering killed them.

Consider growing plants that will thrive under the same environment the walnut trees are receiving.





Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Thank you so much, Veronica!
This is very helpful! I am helping my mother with her new landscaping. We won't be disturbing the roots of the tree. We knew that some plants were very suseptable and wanted to take care when planting within a certain distance.
Best regards,

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I think Equil just posted some pretty comprehensive info on this a couple of weeks back. You might try to search for that thread, or send her a D-Mail and ask her to re-post.

Guy S.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

There's also a Classic Thread on this subject, on that forum.


It isn't necessarily comprehensive, but you could certainly add your findings and experiences there as well.

Say Guy, the search engines aren't back up yet. You don't by any chance have a link to that thread do you? I'd actually like to find it myself as I'm ordering some plants right now. Thanks, Lauren

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

I've been having problems with the search engines also. Thansk everyone for the info and links!

I went back to my information hoping I had it on watch and I found the thread-

There ya go! Have fun!

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