soil testing

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Has anyone tried any of the soil testing kits? Any recommendations or guidelines?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I've used Rapitest and checked it against an "official" test from the state Cooperative Extension. Results were very, very similar.

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Zeppy. I was apprehensive to try Rapitest because I heard it wasn't accurate. It seems to be the most economical so I will definetely try it!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Hobby, I still prefer sending soil to the extension b/c it's only 6 or 8 bucks and I get trace minerals and things like calcium as well as pH and NPK. But I tried the home test just to compare things and liked it fine, though it's more limited in scope.

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

I will likely send a couple of samples to the extension also. My issue is that I am moving to an 80 acre home in March, and the current owner is a master gardener and has many amazing gardens. I know she was organic the last 20 years and I know she did composting, but I really don't know very much else. I'm tyring to prep myself for the exploration stage. :)
She has an apple tree and a blueberry patch.
A 60*90 ft veggie garden.
A big asperagus patch.
A 200+ ft sun garden.
Several other landscaped sun gardens
A 100+ ft shade garden.
Many rare plants.

Also, while visiting the farm, I noticed many of her plants are zone 5 plants and it is only considered a zone 4a here. I'm not entirely sure what she is doing to keep these plants alive during the winter--I haven't seen any coverings or even mounds of soil.

So, long story short, I need to do lots of soil testing to start my journal off right. :)


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Anna, you landed on a gold mine. But I guess you know that.

Maybe you could have a sit down w/ the current owner. We did that: carry a note pad and pencil! Every gardener I know would love to pass on the info of a great garden to new owners...

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, my husband and I are very excited about our new home.
I do hope she will walk through everything with me, but am not sure.
She (rightfully so) is having a very hard time leaving her beautiful home. She is getting a divorce and can't keep it because of the divorce (yuk!).
Anyhow, she has teared up a few times while talking to me and her realtor commented that she wants to leave and not come back. Very sad situation for her.
She seems to be a kind woman so I do hope to gather info from her, but we'll see. I'll post pictures when we are in our new home.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I used to have a soil-tester that looked like a moisture meter. It had two 12"-long prongs that you inserted into the soil to measure soil pH. There was a dial on the top. It was very easy to use and cost about $20. I don't know if they're still around.

It was handy for me because I have soil in different locations with very different pH.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

That's rough, hobby. Poor woman. I do hope she gives you a detailed walk through, for your sake and hers, too. You can't help worrying about plantings you leave behind, and I'm sure it would do her good to know she's leaving the fruits of her labor in appreciative hands.

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks, andycdn! I just purchased a ph meter. I also think this will be useful.
Thanks, Zeppy- for your kind thoughts and assistance.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Divorce stinks.

This message was edited Feb 3, 2006 7:14 PM

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