Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

POTLUCK: I hope everyone will bring a dish to pass. Anything is welcome. Salads, Meats, Side Dishes,
Veggies, and lets not forget Desserts.
Drinks, paper/plastic ware will be provided by Dori
Im also making a big thing of sloppy joes!
Please let me know what you plan to bring, so we can get an idea of what might be needed..

PLANTS: Must be Potted and labeled with plant name (common and botanical if you know it),
color, and growing info for rare plants. Water them the night before you bring them so they’re moist.
We have plenty of time to get these established before the trade date. House plants are also welcome!

SEEDS: Packaged and labeled before the exchange.so they’re ready to trade or give away
which ever the case may be.

CUTTINGS: Fresh cuttings, wrapped in moist (not wet) paper towels in a ziplock bag that have
been kept in a cool place until you trade them.

BULBS, CORMS, TUBERS, RHIZOMES: Clean the dirt off them and put them in paper bags or the
plastic ones and don't forget to label them with name and growing info......

SUPPLIES: It’s a good idea to bring boxes to carry your plants home in, Ziploc bags, paper towels,
pen and notepaper for writing down info, labels, a Sharpie, and any other packing materials you
might need to haul your plants home comfortably. I will have enough tables to eat lunch at and also.
for your plants to be displayed on-if you have a portable table you want to bring-feel free.
**I have A-Z Horticulter Encyclopedia if its needed

HAVE FUN: Cameras! You will want to remember this great time and maybe a snap a picture of a
flower that is blooming!
Meet new people, acquire new plants, eat too much, and take advantage of the moment to talk endlessly
about plants, dirt, nature and US!!! HAVE FUN FUN FUN & laugh!
For some of us, it will be another year before we have another opportunity to do this again!

MOSQUITO SPRAY: Always a plus to have this on hand.

***I will have some helpers this year and any input you have from other trades you have attened is
most welcome!

This message was edited Feb 25, 2006 11:41 AM

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

How many plants should I bring to trade?
We are bringing Kosher Hot dogs and buns. We will bring mustard
and relish and some Pop too in 2 Liter bottles. Will there be a
barbeque available or do we need to bring the propane camp stove?


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Hey Dori,

edited to say-- never mind the questions below just as I suspected it had been posted. June 3rd right?? Now to check my calander.

When are you thinking of?? If it is somewhere else and I missed it sorry I usually try not to ask questions before looking but I have been having a hard time keeping up. I don't have a lot of plants to trade but maybe I can make up for it in cooking if I am going to be in town.


This message was edited Feb 10, 2006 12:09 PM

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Dori......I will bring several desserts....as soon as I know the head count....


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

I have a couple of friends that would like to come is that ok? We will bring extra passing dishes.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

yes kim that is fine

will they bring plants too? I kinda want to keep the trading organized and fair!!
Deann,Cheryle and I have been at a trade that was CRAZY to say the least.

**I will have extra plants for people that dont bring anything!

Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh yes lots of plants I've already got about 20 plants potted up now and still more to go when I get back from North Carolina. I have so many things that need thinning but not enough time to do it. If I could just quit working then I could garden all the time and be a happy camper. They just don't do much on the internet and don't even think Yvonne owns a computer but they're both fun sweet gals I'm sure they will be a blast. I mention a road trip and i have to be careful, last time I went to ensata gardens and mentioned it we had 3 carloads that went so I'm not saying it to anyone else.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Kim...How nice you will have company......will you be spending the night? Hillsdale is a bit of a drive....

Notmartha is so right, that "Plant Swap From Hell" as we define it was something else....talk about people just downright stealing your stuff. It was horrible....I remember getting something from someone, and when it finally grew it was not what it was marked to be......so that is why it is so important to label everything. I even went so far as to provide a picture of what I had so people could know what they were getting when the plant bloomed.......

Look forward to meeting you Kim and your friends as well........You will really enjoy this swap.......


Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a wedding that day. My stepdaughter is getting married. I was so hoping I could come.
First she said it was on ,then it was off ,and now on again.


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

We are just doing a day trip mapquest says about 2 1/2 hours so not so bad. WE are all very excited. Of course i'm know for road trips i love to see other gardens.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)


I would like to come but need directions to your home. I'll bring a salad and I have some vegetable plants to trade. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.

We're still waiting for our grandbaby to come. If Nicole goes into labor I won't be able to make it. The baby is due June 6th but I think it will be coming sooner than that.


Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Brenda................If you want, you can follow me down.....I am planning on getting there between 9 and 10 to help set up.....Just let me know......


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i bounced up the other thread with directions to the house!
i looked at the 10day forecast and it says partly sunny and 74
should be a grand day then!

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