Very sad gardenia...

San Francisco Coast , CA(Zone 10b)

Oh my... being that we have had so much rain this year, my (Monrovia - Augusta) gardenia, which I normally never water, has gotten WAY too much... I just moved her to a new location on my deck in hopes of more sun and less water... what else can I do? She looks so sad?

Thumbnail by ABarker
San Francisco Coast , CA(Zone 10b)

a closer view of sad leaves...

Thumbnail by ABarker
San Francisco Coast , CA(Zone 10b)

and a third image.

Thumbnail by ABarker
London, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Have a lot of the leaves yellowed before dropping? If so, with very wet conditions, I think you're right, the roots have been without air in the soil which has caused some of them to drown. I don't think it's all bad news though. The plant will recover I'm sure. There is a lot of healthy growth remaining. Keep your plant out of very wet conditions to allow the soil to dry out a little in order to get some air back in to the roots. Come the warmer weather, I'd foliar feed it once a week for a couple of months to help it along; after which I'm sure you'd have forgotten how sad it looked in January.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts to one-gallon pot of fresh soil (adjust as needed) and RE-POT it asap. Let it dry out considerably before watering again. In your zone, it would fare much better in the GROUND, not in a pot.

Brick, NJ(Zone 7b)

How long have you had your plant? One thing that I notice is the size of the pot. It looks a little big and the dirt is probably taking a long time to dry. Usually Gardenias don't want to be over potted and do like to be somewhat pot bound. If you repot, you might want to try a smaller pot.

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