Storytelling jaunt, Preston Hall Museum

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I had a very pleasant day. It was a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies - perfect for a day in the country. So I went over to Preston Park, a few miles away. In the grounds is Preston Hall (now a museum), where a storyteller had been booked for the day.

I'd seen Gary C. when I was up in Newcastle at the storytelling circle there. I've seen him perform two or three times. And I was pretty sure he'd recognise me too as I've performed there a couple of times. Right enough, as I entered the room where he was telling and started to sit down, I was greeted with a cheery, "Here's another storyteller!"

Gary did three sets of stories. Four or five stories per set, told three times. The children generally only wanted to sit for one sitting, and as it was a fine day and with the museum to explore as well, this seemed pretty logical. They all seemed to enjoy it. The second sitting was fairly small, but he had a full room for the last one. I knew one of the stories already, but the others were new to me.

Gary had a lunch-break and a tea-break in between the tellings. He gave me lots of useful advice. He was slightly surprised when I told him I was an amateur, but I told him I was planning to go professional. He said he had liked the story that I told at the Cumberland Arms the last time, very much.

Gary has an acting background.

He's been storytelling for 10 years. I enjoyed his storytelling very much. What really struck me was how easy it was for me to understand what he was doing in the storytelling - I knew the why's behind what he was doing.

I am still telling at the folk clubs, and that is useful for getting me used to performing in front of an audience, but the amount of storytelling work for adults is very small. Next step, later this spring is for me to get some voluntary work with a primary school, so that I can practise stories that are intended for children. After a bit of experience of that I go professional. Not for a few months yet, but I'm getting there, I'm getting there. Seeing professional storytellers like Gary is an excellent way of learning!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

This is all so encouraging Diane. You really will be earning your living doing something you enjoy. It must be so satisfying to have positive feedback in this way. All the best luck and keep keeping us up to date :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Philomel. I have an expensive year ahead of me though - lots of jaunts! To festivals and events. Folk club organiser told me last night that I need to get out and about and "show my wares". He's right but it's hard on my bank balance. :(

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Perhaps you'll have to diversify - sell young plants or something.........?
I know, hours in the day etc etc

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

What young plants? Young weeds more like it! Not enough hours in the day...

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