Misting systems and power loss backup

Fulton, MO

On another thread the subject of overhead misting systems has come up. I mentioned there, and I thought I would describe here, a simple backup system which can be put in place which could help in the event of power loss.

You have to have an overhead misting system in place. These are usually used to cool the GH in the summer. The key to the backup system is the valve. Most valves are "normally closed" and they open and let the water through when the coil is energized (ie, power is supplied). The valve for this system is a "normally open" valve which, when energized, is closed. This valve is installed in a parallel fashion to the overhead mist system and energized (closed) by connecting it to your power source. In the event of loss of power, the valve opens and the mist system comes on, showering the plants with cool mist.

In my mind it is best to connect this valve in the most simple straightforward fashion. You could hardwire it, that might be best. I have mine plugged into a seldom used circuit. You don't want it on a circuit that is near capacity or the breaker/GFCI could be tripping all the time and turning on the mist when you don't want it. It will be handy to install a shutoff valve just in front of the normally open valve so that you can turn the water off to this arm of the mist system and unplug the valve in the winter.

Disclaimer: this won't save your b*** for a week, maybe instead for only a few hours. But on a sunny day in July, those few hours might make a difference. I haven't had to rely on mine yet, knock wood.

Hope this is helpful. SB

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