Hydrangeas in Texas?

Sour Lake, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like to plant a hydrangea or two and not sure what would be good for
my area. I live in zone 9, Texas. Was wondering if anyone in my area
has planted hydrangeas and how they hold up to our weather. If anyone
can shed any light on this for me I would be great appreciated.


Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Angela, I live in Woodville which is not too far from you, but my zone is 8. The macrophyllas (mopheads) are best for our area. You might want to begin with any that you find in a nursery around you. Sometimes Walmart even carries the common kind. Plant them where they receive only morning sun. They cannot take afternoon sun in our area. Dappled shade all day is also good. They like water but it must be well drained, not standing. I mulch mine with plenty of pine straw and ground up leaves and they thrive. Once you get them going, they are virtually maintenance free. I also have lacecaps and they do fine. Jenny

Thumbnail by sh1025
Sour Lake, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much Jenny for your reply. I have the perfect spot to grow
hydrangeas then. I am looking forward to adding one or two to my
garden. What else have you had success with in growing? I have
several beds that I am looking to fill. Some are in sun and some or
in shaded areas. I am looking for both shurbs and plants that I can
grow in both.

Your pic was wonderful of your hydrangea, thank you again for your


Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Angela, hydrangeas do well for me but I have many other plants such as cannas, lantana, Mexican Heather, sage, clematis, ginger, roses, hibiscus, crepe myrtle, azaleas, iris, brugs, gardenias, camelias, daylillies and amaryllis. I also have a semi wildflower bed which has zinnias, pink evening primrose, blanket flowers, and echinia (spellings are not correct I know.) The picture is clerodendron which the hummingbirds love.

Thumbnail by sh1025

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