Divide/move Annabelle?

Perham, MN(Zone 3b)

My Annabelles don't get very tall in their mostly-shaded area (a little dappled sun in the first half of the day), but they do bloom (not heavily), and they do *spread*! I want to move a clump of them to a place with a little more light, come spring. I think in this other location I should get plenty of height and lots of blooms, based on observations of other happy hydrangeas in this part of the world. Do you think I'm likely to have success with this method of moving? I'm hoping so; they do seem so vigorous and practically invasive!


Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I wouldn't think that would be a problem Joan. I'd definately do it. I'd take a shovel and go straight down after you've decided home much of a "clump" you wanted to divide. I've done this with other hydrangeas and they have survived.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Annabelle is particularly tough. I recieved a couple of small ones in a trade last year and they both bloomed, so I think you'll have no problem.

Naperville, IL(Zone 5b)

I've provided a number of clumps from my Annabelle to friends. As you've seen, this shrub spreads by shallow underground runners, and the roots that develop from these runners are also fairly shallow. I dig clumps from the perimeter to give away (to keep the parent plant "in check"), and I haven't had to dig very deeply to get sufficient roots.

Union Grove, AL

They move quite easily in Alabama and yes they are invasive, the species is native here. A couple of suggestions, though we are from very different climates, here Annabelle is happier in part shade, the blooms are smaller and the leaves don't scorch, so it is a lovelier plant. The more sun the bigger the blooms, down here they get so huge they are downright vulgar, over a foot in diameter, and we have to put stakes in or preferably plant behind low growing evergreens and let them flop. You can extend the season of bloom by having full shade, 1/2 shade and full sun plantings or at least that works here, though i can't say much about it up North. We go from daffadils to lilacs over a 3 to 4 month period and i don't know if early Summer blossoms are as compressed for you as Spring.

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