This years science experiment

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

After being diagnosed and treated twice in 2005 with Lymes disease as well as living in a community where there is at least one case of tularemia each year I am looking at these critters in a very different light. Two days ago when I kicked up accidentally a young bunny in my front garden my response was no longer "How Cute". Living in a more rural area trapping is unrealistic and I would not even consider poison or killing but my thought is if they (deer, rabbits, voles, rats, mice) do not like what is on the menu they will move on. One of my biggest winter battles is wind so I have been playing around with Wilt-Pruf which is an anti-desiccant that so far has been worth it's weight in gold. This years experiment is to add something that the critters think tastes foul to the Wilt-Pruf which would seal that element to the plant rather than it being washed away after the first rain. I was thinking of adding hot sauce. What do you think??? Katy

I think you should try it. I don't think it will bond the way you think it will but it's worth a try. Worse case scenario is that they use your plants as a dietary supplement which appears to be already happening anyway.

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