Shade Garden under Mimosa??

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have a beautiful Mimosa that I currently have a Western Redbud, 2 Columbines, verigated Hydranga and a few calidiums(sp) under. Any other ideas what I may plant in there that will withstand the flower fallout from it?? BTW everybody there are babys...TIA Lauri

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Hi lauri. . .my grandmother started us off with Mimosa babies decades ago and now they are huge trees and have had zillions of their own 'babies'. She always had beautiful fuschias under hers in big hanging baskets. Our summer climate was too hot for the fuschias, but because the light was so filtered by the fine foliage, just about everything grew under them. Sounds like you have a type of shade garden. Have you tried any Abutilon, which do well in sun to partial shade? There are so many beautiful varieties. Also known as Chinese Lantern or Flowering Maple.

8-) Janet

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Ohhhh Janet I have one that is currently on a western exposure next to the house.....I see a possible move coming soon. =o) Thanks Lauri

Dallas, TX

All my Hostas are under a Mimosa, I love it. its the only tree I have in my courtyard. ...fortunately my Mimosa dont have "babies". I have been told its a trash tree, but i never seen a seed pod hanging on it anywhere.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

sedrick, how old is your tree? Young ones don't produce pods.


Dallas, TX

KG ... Its about six or seven years old now.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Give it time; I suspect you'll soon have pods everywhere!

Mine did not produce seed in it's early years, either. I would say when it was about 10 years old, or there about, I had pods like crazy. My tree got huge, and was beautiful, and I did love it. It was a hummingbird and butterfly magnet. It finally outgrew it's spot and was constantly in the overhead power lines despite constant trimming. Eventually it grew over an existing flower bed, and the bed was coverered with the dead mimosa flowers all summer, as was the lawn. It reseeded everywhere. Finally it became infested with carpenter ants and they ate away at it until it was split all the way to the ground. I finally had it taken out this past October.

Maybe you have a different cultivar which doesn't redeed but I would be doubtful. The hummingbirds alone kind of made it worthwhile, though.


I will miss that tree but I'm sure it's babies will be sprouting from those buried pods for years to come.

Dallas, TX

Oh Karen ...what a sad story...I know how you feel.I love my tree and I have some things happen to it too the property mgr cut off the part that was hanging over the fence. a month a go the men fixing the gutters broke off another limb. I bought my tree for two dollars as a sapling, when Lowes came to Dallas. They were not ready for this Texas heat I bought four or five trees and this thr only one i have that made it.. When I clean up the Courtyard I will take a picture for you to see. You know mine might be different, it dont have flowers like the ones I am use to seeing, The flowers almost look like a spider web.and it does drop dew or something just before it gets dark and the frounds close up.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Karen and Sylvia that's terriable about your trees. My mimosa does'nt have a dew that I have noticed but the fronds do close up at dark. If anybody wants or needs seed just holler and I'll get you as many as you'd like...Lauri

Dallas, TX

Lauri do you have a pic of what the flower look like on your tree? I would not mine having one of the other ki nd.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sylvia, not yet they haven't bloomed out yet but as soon as they do I'll post one for you. May be next month but I'll write myself a note and stick it on my puter, where I won't loose it. =o))....Lauri

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sylvia, If you got to plantfiles and type in mimosa mine looks exactly like the first one pictured. Sorry I don't know how to do the link thing =o))..Lauri

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yep, mine was the same as the one in plantfiles. Check it out and note those pods!


Dallas, TX mine look more like #3, but with a peachy color. ....but there is another iI've seen with actual flowers that were deep orange or red...and maybe that was in Florida. I grew up in Miami and there were Mimosa's everywhere. or maybe that was something else. If you guys want to get rid of some saplings. I will take them. ;)

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sylvia let me go out today and see what I can find for saplings. I usually keep them pulled but I know of a little spot....Lauri

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Just a thought: these trees are listed as invasives in some areas. You might want to check on that before planting more. Besides, I'll bet you are going to have a lot of volunteers of your own very soon.


Dallas, TX

Thanks Laurie... you are probaly right karen, but I rent my place. ;) and trust me I could use the excersise. lol

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