oops, I swear honey! It was an accident....

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

As Pam and I were strolling through our local HD yesterday (with her in control of the cart...lol) I left to go and get some screws and other hardware for a cold frame project we're working on. When I came back to her in the nursery section there were about a dozen dahlia bulbs in the cart. I asked her what was going on and she came up with the best excuse I've ever heard...."With a grin on her face she informed me that she got pushed by a rather forceful shopper into the bulb section and her cart hit the dahlia boxes of bulbs and they just fell into the cart. Now if your going to tell a whopper to your spouse about why or how, I'd imagine that's as good a story as any....lol.

hope everyone is well,

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

All right, Pam!
What to go!
Love the story!!!
But you know, Don, shopping is a dangerous sport for us women, LOL LOL LOL!!!
Sounds good to me.
She is smart. She knows the right flowers to get. What a women!!!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

My HD is full of salt and shovels :(
My wife always picks out lots of stuff for ME to buy also.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya guys,

Pam has quietly become a true dahlia lover (and not just the doggie). lol@ full-contact shopping. We take off each holiday out of the country to avoid it, but the pushing and shoving seems to be the female version of a beer line at a ball game...lol. We did not receive a Swan catalog this year so I guess we'll just have to purchase new tubers by having them fall into shopping carts...lol.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Gravity is amazing, isn't it? So which ones fell into your cart?

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya NoH2O,

Another Thomas Edison
3 Gold Crown
3 Garden Wonder
5 Caribbean Fantasy
and a surprise package of 6 dinnerplates....lol.

Pam knows what she likes and then there's the surprise factor that I've always liked.

I'm sure we'll get a few keepers out of this little lapse of self control...lol.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I had to look them up - looks like your property is going to be sizzling with color, especially the Caribbean Fantasy.

this little lapse of self control

That's what you call it in January. By April it will be a raging obsession. LOL

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

OOOH That woman is a great shopper, I mean victim of 4th degree shopping assault.

Caribbean Fantasy! I think that's the one I've seen elsewhere that turns colors, different colored blooms at different times; not sure. I'll have to check it out further and report back. If it is, I want Don to start his 07 trade list and jump aboard with my first request LOL. Is that jumping the gun?

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

lol, If it grows and looks anything like you say it will I'll be sure to make cuttings of tubers when it does its' thing. Or I could just accompany Pam back to the HD and she can have another 'accident' over in the dahlia section and I can just send it north....lol.

I love this forum!

best to all,

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Don, your Pam is crazy like a fox. Good think that you've bought a big place to take advantage of horrible spills like that.

Do horses eat dahlias? I know. Big nonsequiter, but sometimes words fall off the shelves into my cart and I can't help it. ;-)

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