For Barb: Plant Growth Hormone Gibberellic Acid

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Gibberellic Acid, GA is a plant growth hormone. All plants produce it. If you have noticed that side shoots tend to stay small, then all of a sudden start growing if you pinch the top off, the reason is that the part you pinch off has another hormone in it that tends to suppress the production of GA by the plant.

When you buy plants at the box stores, especially chrysanthemums, you may have noticed that the stems are very brittle when well hydrated. The reason is GA. Mass plant producers use GA with a vengence. It causes plants to grow unaturally fast, elongates stems and creates large blooms, fruits, and veggies (yes it is safe to use on edible veggies). GA should be used judiciously because over use can cause weakened cell structures in the plant causing brittle stems and a generally less healthy plant.

I use it primarily to stimulate seeds that are hard to sprout, with a good soak in solution. I also will spray it on seedlings that seem to have gone comotose .. they won't grow and stay the same size for weeks.

GA is fun to play with. You can turn almost any plant into a cascading plant for basket with it because of the stem elongation factor. Chrysanthemums are good ones to use for this, Spray the plant with GA and when the stems get about 6 inches long, withhold water until the plant wilts, then pin the stems so they face down and water. You can get some stunning results using different concentrations of GA for the results you want.

I get my GA at

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks, X! Wow.. something to consider, for sure. Is this the "tonic" for sure seed starting? I have been more or less consistent in my lack of success with seeds and have received some very special ones. I am planning to try a myriad of methods in hopes that one will overcome the odds and help me to get them past that elusive second pair of true leaves.
I appreciate the info. Now I need to "read all about it"!


Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks X, this was exactly what I was looking for; what are the downsides of using GA. I was wondering about box store (ala Walmart?) products (versus nursery, I presume) and thinking about those wonderful BIG bushy plants that come home and don't do so great. I have decided that six packs and other smaller plants are definately worth the wait -- mine have done so much better than the gallon plants that I have purchased.


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