When do you sow peas, lettuce,&other cool weather crops?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm especially interested in the time tables older gardeners used for sowing. Around here I've heard to sow peas just after Valentines Day. I'm also curious about spinach, carrots, potatoes, etc. I enjoy keeping some of the practices of gardeners of times past alive; it's a comforting connection to my ancestors.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Checking in with the northern exposure of OVG: Most of those early crops begin with the 1st of April here or a little later. Once I planted some peas in early March and then some more in early April. That year the early ones were better, but it is not always favorable to plant in early March here.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have not grown potatoes in a few years but when I did, I planted them on St. Patricks Day. Why you might ask? My great uncle grew up a farmer in Felicity, Ohio. He said you always plant potatoes on that day. So I did. LOL I only ever grew Kennebac and they are a really good potato. Of course I have not tried any others. I planted my snow peas about the same time and they did really well.

With all my flower love and lack of land going on, I sort of got away from veggie growing aside from a salsa garden. Now that I have the space, I plant to get at the veggies gung ho again. I also hope to get back into canning. My first ever crops were potatoes and green beans which I canned. They tasted so darn good, they never lasted long. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Badseed, that's excactly the kind of info passed down I'm really interested in. Well, any sowing time tips are greatly appreciated, I'm just particularly interested the rules of thumb of gardeners past. St.Patrick's Day for Irish potatoes will be easy to remember!

I've tried sowing peas in April here a few times, but just when they started bearing well the sun sort of dried them up. Last year I sowed in mid March and had better results, but still felt like I waited a little too late. So weather permitting, this year I'll try to get them out before the end of February.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm glad. I can't tell you how much I miss him. I have never loved any man more, including my husband and he knows that! LOL My elders on my mothers side all grew up farming and now most of them are too old or gone. I wish I had been older and more interested when they were around or young enough to share all the secrets. Try sowing your peas at the same time as the taters.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I never met my grandmother on Mom's side, but always heard of her green thumb and was often compared to her growing up. I so wish I had questioned my aunts about the gardening tips they grew up hearing. My mother and 1 aunt are all that are left of 9 siblings, and Mom has dementia, so not much more info there. Now I find myself fascinated with Appalachian heritage and love the connection I feel to those who have passed in keeping their traditions alive.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It's a shame we are not more wise when we are young.

My great grandmother lived to be 99 3/4. I went to see her at least twice a month when I was old enough to go by myself, then with my husband. She could grow absolutely anything! Roses and portulaca will always remind me of her. I have no idea what else was in her gardens but those two I remember well. She also had massive grape vines and I think some canna. She had an outhouse (by her choice) until the day she went into a nursing home and I think most outhouses had canna by them. :)

Enjoy your research! Everything is more fun when your heart is involved.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Do you have deer problems? I loved to raise green beans and okra but we would have them come at night and eat down the entire rows. Raccoons loved the corn patch. I help at Dad's garden because they don't seem to bother his so much!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I don't know if *I* do or not. LOL There is a six pack of them that cut through my field on the side of my house. So far they have left things alone but we didn't really move in until November. I started moving plants here at the end of September I think. If they are a problem, I'll have to give one of the local hunters permission to take them. :( I'm really hoping we can get along but I'm not totally stupid. LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

There are plenty of deer here in the woods where I live, but strangely enough I've not had the first thing munched. The people in town, close to the university can't have a hosta or daylily for the deer. Now I have a dog who now spends her nights inside, but I've heard the scent will keep them away. Before that I just peed around the garden to keep them away and it seemed to work.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

We have two beagles and just a few weeks ago, I saw three go up to the pen within 50ft.
I guess they understood they were not a threat. My 14 year old son hunts. His twin sister is anti hunting. I have also killed two, one with my van and Civic. :(

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Spinach on St Patrick's Day here also,
that would be 4-6 weeks before last frost.

OR you could start it in mid Feb indoors and transplant out on April Fool's Day.

It over-winters here w/ a covering...
so you can plant it in late Fall also.

I've heard of people sowing it in November and mulching.
It then comes up a lot earlier.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ric. Spinach is one of my favorites, and I love the idea of fall sowing to.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I've got a bit of thriving spinach that is uncovered.....Course a rabbit is keeping it picked.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

As to when to plant potatoes, for years, my dad always insisted that potatoes be planted on Good Friday. We always had a good crop too. As for peas, I try to plant the last week of March, and usually am successful. I sowed beets in February last year, then 2 later plantings, all were successful.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks all and keep 'em coming! This is excactly the tips I'm looking for.

West Chester, OH(Zone 6a)

I am so glad that I found this forum...I grew up in Northern Indiana and learned at my grandparent's knees about gardening. Now I live in Cincinnati and have been wondering when things go in the ground here. I look forward to reading all of your helpful hints!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Welcome mommoboys!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello mommoboys! It's nice to meet you. Welcome to DG! I did some of my growing up in the Lakota school district. My sister and her family still live there.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

OK where were all these people here hiding?

Welcome mommoboys!


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Welcome Mommoboys! Like Ric, I wonder where all have been hiding?????? Or maybe like me...and just read but don't say much!

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