Cabbage,cabbage...every where cabbage!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I planted my very first cabbage plants last fall from seeds I had grown in cellpacks to sell at a friends mini flea market. Sold a lot of plants but had lots(about 50) left too so I stuck them in my veg. patch last fall and I should be harvesting some soon. I'm so proud. They're my first cabbages ever.

BUT!....I also made a gardening blunder by planting turnips in the row I had grown tomatoes in earlier in the year and they haven't done well at all w/ only the turnips on the very edges of the row doing much of anything . Should have read my books(Carrots Love Tomatoes and Great Garden Compnions)before I planted.Live,garden and learn...that's what it's all about.


oh i am so jealous of alll your cabbage, my fav, love saurkraut yummmm i m from a German family.
I thought about cabbage too this yr. was it easy? i m new to garden and i do have the carrots love tomato book and just love it!!!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I love cabbage rolls,cole slaw,saurkraut w/ weniers and just plain ole boiled cabbage w/cornbread...Yum-Yum!

They're getting a good rain today so I hope the heads firm up soon. I'm drooling....LOL


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