It's That Time Again; How/When to root Daphne Odora?

Ozark, AL(Zone 8b)

Mine is loaded with buds, and the perfume has already surprised me a time or two. Each year as I catch it's fragrance I consider trying to root bits of it, even though it is only about a foot tall. Has anyone had success doing this? I have a greenhouse, plenty of rooting powders and gels of differing strengths, and quite a few rooting mediums available, (all due to my love affair with Brugmansia) but I'd much rather have "real life" success stories and guidance before breaking off precious branches. Anybody?

London, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I took semi-ripe cuttings in summer around late June/early July. As far as rooting agents are concerned, I prefer to use rooting hormone powder as this has sulphur in it and protects against fungal infections while the cutting is rooting., I used 3" plastic pots and inserted one cutting in each. Plastic: to prevent the compost from drying out too fast; and one cutting in each pot: so that after rooting the young plant could grow and fill the pot with roots for about a year and the subsequent repotting could then be done without the rootball breaking up, so avoiding root disturbance. Daphnes hate root disturbance.The compost used was 50% perlite and 50% ericaceous compost. The cuttings were then placed in a cold frame in light shade; but a plastic propagating tray with a lid that is kept out of direct sunlight once the cuttings are inside, will do just as well. All were successful in rooting. They took about 4 weeks

Ozark, AL(Zone 8b)

I guess I'll have to mark something on the calender for june/july so I'll remember to do it then. 4 weeks is faster than I expected! Thanks Matt! :)

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