green house

Goldendale, WA

i was wondering if any one out there has ever made a green house out of stock panels?we made one a couple of years ago,16x32 ft.i heated with barrel stove,and believe me it was cold that winter.i was wanting to see how others built theres,how they heated .we moved and now i want to put mine up agin,thought i might get some ideas,

Fulton, MO

Here's a link:

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

What kind of a store would you find stock panels in? This seems a lot simpler than trying to build a hoop house out of pvc.

Fulton, MO

Frausnow, you should be able to find these at any farm supply store, feed store, that sort of thing.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, stressbaby! I checked out our phonebook and found only one farm supply store in a nearby town. My husband's boss has a farm, I might ask him for others.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Tractor Supply carries them here. I saw some neat arbors built out of the panels and thought that would be fun! I ran into a problem. I don't have a truck and couldn't get them home. LOL

Goldendale, WA

you can buy stock panels in the feed stores, some people call them cattle panels,we use them for cattle, hogs,and yes the greenhouse.when we put ours up we just cut posts off our property,spaced them every 8 ft put a sliding glass window in worked well ,we just didnt put thick enough plastic on it.but we didnt expect to have that cold of winter either,20 below.i am going to put up another one,we had to move for health reasons,so starting over.just thought i might pick up a few ideas from others.the panels out here cost about20.00each. unless you find a sale.they are 16 ft long,i think 48 in hi.thanks for help with gro-bags .the ones i found cost around 2.00 each pretty hi i think?well thanks again

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I found the stock/cattle panels at a local Horse & Cattle supply company across town. They cost $20.95 each panel so I had 4 panels delivered for a $15.00 delivery fee. Unfortunately, we only have one vehicle and it's a Ford Crown Victoria. We have a friend who has a truck, but I don't know how to drive a stick shift and I didn't want to impose on her very busy life to take me.

Anyway, I already have the plastic (6 mil) which I found at Wal-mart so I still have to get the lumber for the base, cement, wire staples, and crushed stone for the floor. I don't know how we'll work out the ends yet...well, at least the end with the door. May have to make it out of pvc pipe. Found some plans for it. I think we'll also need cable ties or wire to attach the four stock panels together.

I suppose there has to be some kind of opening at the other end for ventilation, right? I could make a flap and use Velcro to open and close it? Would that hold up in high winds? I won't have electric running to the hoop house for fans or heaters. I plan to use the black barrels filled with water for heat in the winter. It'll basically be a huge cold frame in the winter. There won't be much in it during the summer as I plan to plant everything come spring.

Several weeks ago I started some wintersowing projects and seem to be having some success with it. Using plastic milk jugs and containers in ziplock bags. Some of the seeds have already sprouted! As soon as the hoop house is completed I'll transfer the seedlings to it.

I also have some seedlings growing indoors that I would like to bring out there. I tried the hydrogen peroxide soak and am having good results with that. I have so many seedlings that I ran out of containers & pots so I've resorted to making my own newspaper pots. I only have one 4' grow lite and have run out of window sills. :-)

I sure hope my DH is in the mood to build a hoop house this weekend!

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Besure to post pictures, I would really like to see it.

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