Dumb Question about dry beans/peas

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have wondered this for a long time but have been too ashamed to ask- until now- LOL!
The dry beans/peas you buy in the grocery store: can you plant them to grow more beans?

This message was edited Jan 18, 2006 10:20 AM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

THANKS Farmerdill!!

So on a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid was my Q?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Not dumb at all. I answered a similar question on a news group several years ago and a guy got extremely adamant about the dangers of planting hybrid seed. Fortunately there no commercially available hybrids of regular beans (P vulgaris), southern peas (V unguiculata or English peas (Pisum sativa). I use grocery store blackeye peas all the time.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, I know where I'll be getting my peas and beans from this year. Thanks again.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Just remember these are NOT snap beans. The dry shelling beans are so cheap I never consider growing my own unless some exotic cultivar catches my eye.

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

I was about to order field peas seed for use as an early green manure crop on some of my planting beds where summer crops will go. Maybe I'll just get a few pounds of dried peas from the supermarket and save a bit of money?


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