Lotus' in the GH

McKinney, TX(Zone 7b)

will they provide any thermal heat? I'm trying to decide if I want to move my lotus' into my gh or not. So far, they've overwintered fine outside (each one is in one of the large plastic buckets with rope handles from dollar general). But I'm also going to start more seeds & in the past have done it in the house. So, we'd be talking about 3 70-qt buckets plus several gallon size. I've got one of the harbor freight gh's, so the space is 6x8. Thanks!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Lotus can do well in the GH. Mine are in the pond.

But I havent put my tropical lilies in there yet because I was concerned about too much humidity from the evaporating water. I have the same GH as you ...I'm in zone 7a/b.

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