first witchhazel blooms

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

My Ruby Glow began blooming today. I believe this is rather early, not surprising since we have nary below freezing since Christmas. We've even had a few days in the 60Fs.

It's very pleasant, although raining cats and dogs at the moment, but I'd feel a little more comfortable about my plants if the temperature would get a little closer to normal.


Portugal Cove-St. Ph, NL(Zone 5a)

I feel the same way. We just finished a 3 day summer in Jan.

When do you see seeds on the Witch Hazel? And what are the chances of saving some for me? I live on Witch Hazel Road in Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, Newfoundland, Canada A misnomer of a name - maybe someone thought that common alders were witch hazel.

Bill in SE Newfoundland

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Bill: Got a chuckle from your post.

Since it isn't Hamamelis Highway, maybe your street simply derived it's origin from some henpecked husband of Hazel.

Around here, witchhazel seed usually ripens the year after it flowers (for H. virginiana, a fall bloomer, it will have seed ripening and explosively released the following late summer/fall). I would assume similar for the other H. species/clones. Look for fall collection before the capsules open.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

And to follow up on something in John's advice -- when you pick the ripening fruit capsules, place them in a paper bag and wait for them to pop like popcorn. If you leave them out, they will shoot seeds all over the room!

Guy S.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

This fall I collected a bunch of Hamamelis virginiana seeds and put them into a paper bag in the kitchen, but forgot to tell my wife about them. I went to bed early one night, and she kept hearing these "sounds" from the kitchen. Eventually she figured out what was happening, but not before being somewhat freaked out. She's a good sport, fortunately, and becoming quite the "second hand" botanist.


I went to bed early one night, and she kept hearing these "sounds" from the kitchen. Eventually she figured out what was happening
My husband travels a lot. I would not have been a happy camper so to speak. Better your wife than me.

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