Help! Please...

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I just bought a HP1210 printer on ebay. The box, manuals and driver cd are for a 1210 but the printer is a 1315. I emailed the seller and he replied that it looked like I got a free upgrade. He posted the link to download the driver.

The problem is that I have dialup and it will take almost 48 hours to download and that is totally unacceptable. I have been getting the urge for sometime to switch to the faster DSL. Now I feel is a good time and I may still have to order and pay for a printer driver cd.

It kills me to have to admit such ignorance but ... can someone explain to me the difference between dial up and DSL and does it require any physical change such as new wiring? Is it really a lot faster? Are there other options besides satilite?

Also, what kind of feedback do you think I should leave this seller on ebay? I wanted the 1210 to replace my old one that died and I had fairly new cartridges that I didn't want to trash. He thinks he did me a favor but I don't.

Thanks for all input, Dorothy

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