Very Weird Weather

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Anyone else getting unusual winter weather? It's darn near tropical here today (54°F) and it's been like this on and off for the past three weeks! I had to check on the garden today: garlic, onions and chives are up, and the crocuses are starting to poke through. I did some weeding, and found a slug wriggling around.

It seems a lot more like April than January.

Anybody else's garden popping up too early? Does anyone know how will this affect perennials?


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Everybody's having unusual weather of some kind. WE're not having any moisture at all this winter, the storms keep splitting around us. We usually get a coupla good storms from down Flagstaff way, but they haven't any snow this year either.

to add: yes my daffys are up by 4 inches already.

This message was edited Jan 21, 2006 7:01 PM

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Hiya Blooms!

I'd forgotten I'd started this thread until I got a notice that Terry had moved it.

I was just reading that we're having this weather due to the Arctic winds, which normally dip toward the south during the winters, staying north and heading across the North Atlantic to drop cold air on Russia and Asia. We're getting winds from the Pacific Ocean instead. Suits me fine, but it's really messing up my garden. Not only are the spring bulbs popping through, but so are new shoots of daylilies and irises. The maple trees are starting to bud and the grass is turning green.

Mind you, I wouldn't normally complain about these things, I'm just really concerned about what happens if the temperature drops to "normal." : o


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Rhonda, you're getting Pacific winds? in Nova Scotia? I look at my map and wonder even more at the world's weather patterns [if there is a pattern]

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Yup, Pacific winds on the Atlantic coast. It's totally bizarre. The warm air has been traveling right across the country, and even the chilliest places, like Winterpeg--umm, I mean Winnipeg, have been way warmer than usual.

The weather has been so lovely, and I've been trying to enjoy it, but I keep having to fight off this awful sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I don't know this if truly "global warming" (although I'm inclined to believe it is) but it's hard to deny or ignore that things seem to be changing.

Yesterday it got cold again and now it's snowing, but I think that's just Mother Nature cursing our government for holding an election in January. ; )


We've been having very warm temperatures too. At least 10 degrees above the norm. It's been really weird this weather. My mother lives in the Southern hemisphere and she has told me that they are cooking there with temperatures in the 90+ every day. The temperatures regularly there are between 75 and 82 during the summer. Then at night it goes down into the 50's which also is very unusual.

I wonder if they are not telling us the whole story with this weird weather we've had for the last couple of years.

I heard once in the Science Channel a scientist mention something abouth the Earth tilt being off. I don't recall the whole thing, so I can't be very specific. i wonder if that could be a problem. But i think the biggest impact has been done by us humans mucking around with nature.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Not so sure we are all that important in the scheme of things - whatever we come up with - the records aren't long enuff to tell if it's new and different or something Mother Earth has done before. What we're doing is adding to but I just feel we're smaller than we think.

Either way a change like this on a permanent basis is bound to be uncomfortable for some of us in the end.

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