Early White Sprouting...

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

...cauliflower, broccoli or whichever you want to call it; I can't find a U.S. source except for Territorial Seeds which doesn't offer it until June as a fall/winter crop crop. I'm interested in it for breeding material right now, so I don't mind if it bolts this summer. Is there a source where I can order from now?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

????Are you looking for started seedlings??? Almost any seedhouse will have seeds in the brassica family that they will ship now even though they might recommend fall planting. If you're not looking for a specific variety, you can find packets on the seed racks at supermarkets and garden centers. Yuska

This message was edited Jan 15, 2006 10:11 PM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

????Are you looking for started seedlings??? Almost any seedhouse will have seeds in the brassica family that they will ship now even though they might recommend fall planting. If you're not looking for a specific variety, you can find packets on the seed racks at supermarkets and garden centers. Yuska

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

????Are you looking for started seedlings??? Almost any seedhouse will have seeds in the brassica family that they will ship now even though they might recommend fall planting. If you're not looking for a specific variety, you can find packets on the seed racks at supermarkets and garden centers. Yuska

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Nope, just seeds. It's a specific variety that does well in Europe and the Pacific NW, but hasn't caught on elsewhere in the states. I'd like to try crossing with it this year, but it looks like I may have to order seeds in June and grow them out next spring.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Agrinerd I grew some of those Teritorial winter over varieties a couple of years ago and it was awesome to harvest cauli starting in march ending in may. Seems to me the seed was kinda spendy though maybe it is better now at least there er not aphids to fight and the heads were sweet . Ernie

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

That was probably the late version that takes 200 days to crop. This one's the early version that sprouts the same season. I'll keep looking.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Getting exotic are You, Agri. It is also available from Thompson and Morgan if you are desperate. Tried the Purple Sprouting broccoili back in the late sixties. Grew like gangbusters, but was not other wise enthused. It also looks more like miniature cauliflower heads than broccoli.The early white sounds interesting, but the proof is in the eating. Let us know how it turns out.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Ubetcha! But still, it's only listed in their English catologue. It probably doesn't do too well in the States except for the Pacific NW. If I get the seeds, I expect that it will go hot and bitter before it makes a nice bunch of sprouts, but then I can cross it with something that doesn't.... if I'm lucky. I'll keep you posted.

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