Stunted Growth Amaryllis

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I purchased a few amaryllis bulbs from Blooming Blub this past fall. I planted one on 12/15 and it bloomed on 1/9 with the stalk only 4 inches tall. I contacted BB and was told this happened because I stored the bulb in the frig prior to planting. They said all of their bulbs must be planted immediately because they are treated to bloom at Christmas. I've never heard of such a thing and am also wondering if this may be why people sometimes can't get their amaryllis to rebloom. Anyone know anything about this or have had a similar experience?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

You dont need to chill an Amaryllis bulb - plant it as soon as you get it. I have even seen A. bulbs with buds on them in the stores .

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I've had that happen once. When the flower stalk came up it started to curl then straighten but only grew a few inches. There was a narrow 'scar' on one side, I suspected a bug.
It was on a bulb I had for a few years. The flowers were normal.
The leaves grew normally and the next year it was fine.
It looked kind of cool, so short.
Andy P

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

It's not that I think I need to chill it, it's because I want to store it until I'm ready to pot. I have about 30 amaryllis bulbs and I've been potting up a few every two weeks since November 1st and will continue to do so for about another month. All my other bulbs are behaving perfectly normal; nice and tall with big beautiful blooms. I have a Dutch Belle (a dark rosy pink) blooming right now that is stunning.
I plan to pot up the other bulb I got ffom BB on Sunday. According to them, they think the same thing will happen with this bulb. They did refund me my money which I thought was really nice.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Andy, you said you've kept amaryllis bulbs for a few years. Did you keep them in the house over summer or outdoors? If outdoors, did you keep it in the pot or plant directly in the garden. How did you store the bulb until it was time to start watering again?

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Beaker, I've lost track on how old my oldest bulb is, at least 20 years, if it's the same one.
I have lost a few, mostly because of over watering or not enough sun (or both).
I usually pot them up around the first of the year for flowers around Valentine day. They get maximum sun when indoors, less when in flower. They go out in Spring and usually stay in their pots. Some times I gently re-pot them into a 30 inch window box (4 to a box) for convenience, with a bit of new soil for filler. Be careful when introducing them to full sun, they can get sun burn just like us in Spring, shade to start with increasing sun over a couple of weeks.
I stop watering in mid September and bring them in a month later.
They 'rest' on my unheated basement floor until the New Year. Then they get fresh soil and it starts all over again.
These bulbs are tough and everyone has their own way of growing them. Just give them plenty of sun and don't over water them.
Andy P

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