Interested in a Fragrant RR?

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Anyone up for this? It would limited to seeds of fragrants, of course.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Ive never done it and really dont know what it is but I have more seed than I can ever plant. Im game.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

It's called a seed round robin. Basically, you have people sign up that want to participate in a seed exchange. The person that originates it sends a sasbe of seeds and mails it out. The next person to receive it takes out seeds and replaces them with as many packs as they removed. It goes form person to person til it gets back to the original owner.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I'd love to join in this if you're willing to send it across the pond.
Maggi xxxx

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, I want to join too, but I don't have any seeds that are fragrant except for some Sweet Willam (Dianthus) mixed colors that I harvested myself.
Let me know.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I am gonna wait to see how much response we get. Don't want to start with just 2 or 3 pks of seeds- LOL!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Do they have to be new unopend seeds? Sorry for my lame question but I really dont know.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

No they don't.
It's always a good idea to note on the seed pk the date[year] of the seeds.

Still room to join?
... Elaine

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes! I'm just hoping there will be enough interest in one.

Great, I've got this marked. Did you post in the RR forum?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I would be interested too!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Count me in


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I thought I'd keep the post here, but am going over to the RR forum and invite them to join us!!
Please everybody, please be patient with me as I have never "officiated" a RR before- ever!! I want to do this right and want us all to enjoy getting something new. I have participated in them and they are fun. About the seeds: they have to be widely known for fragrance- whether it's in the flower/blooms OR foliage. It can be annual, perennial, shrubs, trees, vines, herbs, etc...

Edited to say: I am so very sorry but this will be for US residents only. I don't want you to think that I am trying to exclude anyone but since this is my first one I want it to go as smoothly as possible. I pray our friends across the pond and in Can. will understand.

Another edit: I think 15 is a good cut-off # so we've got room for 1 more person.

So far I have the following folks interested in a RR:
1 myself
2 Heavinscent
3 Daisyruffles
4 I01
5 Picabo
6 Shirley 1 MD
7 Defoecat
8 Bluespiral
9 Sheran
10 Spider 07
11 np
12 frausnow
13 makshi
14 pins 2006
15 shuggins

List is now closed to any more participants.

This message was edited Jan 17, 2006 5:14 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Count me in. I will have to do some research to see what kinds of fragrant seeds I have, but it sounds like fun.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Gotcha down- and welcome!

(Zone 7a)

Count me in, too. One great thing about waiting at least 3 weeks is that hopefully by then, many of us will have received the seeds we ordered and could perhaps include extras from those packs, as well as whatever seed of fragrant plants we saved from last year's garden.


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Got you down Karen.

this sounds wonderful. please count me in.

my address is in the listing.

Lilburn, GA


i would love to join but thyis year I have nothing to share. Put me down for 2007!

(Zone 7a)

Spider - not so fast - why not pick up a few 49 cent packets at:

and use some for trade?

Approximately 49 cents a packet will get you:

sweet alysum 500 seeds / 49 cents = a few generous trades
indispensable for dripping over the edge of a pot under a scented geranium or overplanting spring bulbs gone dormant

Dianthus chinensis 'Hedwigii' - perhaps buy a 49 cent one for you and another 49 cent one for the trade - in the past, this one did not seem THAT fragrant to me, but not all noses are alike.

Flowering Tobacco Eau de Cologne - 50 seeds / 79 cents - half for you and half for a trade

Pansy Super Chalon - 50 seeds / 49 cents - half for you, half for a trade - don't know how fragrant this one is, but a bouquet will probably give some delight

Snapdragon 'Royal Bride' - 500 / 49 cents - very tiny seeds - perhaps some for you + 9 generous trades

Night scented stock - 2000 seeds / 49 cents - generous trades plus some for yourself

Sweet Pea - there's a couple packets of 45 seeds for 49 cents each

Sweet William auricula eyed - 450 / 49 cents
These are great with cosmos in back to continue flowering until frost.

Violas - many kinds for 49 cents

So, for about $5.30, you have bought yourself a few packets of seed for fragrant flowers, and - at no extra cost - had extra seed in most of the packets to share for the RR.

Waddaya say?

oh dont get me started... im picking out a few packs toooo.... nice prices.... thanks for the tip.

(Zone 7a)

And then there's:

The Fragrant Path
P. O. Box 328
Ft. Calhoun, NE 68023

Ya have to send $2 for a paper catalog. Some grouse about his having no phone or website (yes he does have a website: ) but who would run a business like this and subject himself to the honks and beeps during the day of modern electronics?

I can't wait to see what Mr. Rassmussen is up to these days. DG critiques his business at:

edited to add website

This message was edited Feb 1, 2006 10:40 PM

Lilburn, GA

Oh, I thought they had to be seeds form plants grown by peeps participating. I did not know i could use bought seeds. Now, that is easy!

Put my name down!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

OK all,
I just got up due to insomnia- ARGHH!

You can use commercial sources for the seeds. I've added your name.

Also to clarify the requirements for the seeds: fragrant herbs would also be included. I personally don't grow any so that would be great for me- and I'm sure a lot of other folks.

This message was edited Jan 15, 2006 3:24 AM

That's great. I have a lot of those around for sure.
... Elaine

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Does northern people can participate? I would like to join, I am a canadian member.


Warren, NJ(Zone 6a)

We can use bought seed??? Am I too late to join?

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

This is my first time hosting a RR and I want to be fair to all. I don't want to turn anyone away nor do I want any to have hurt feelings but....I have never sent seeds out of the country. Will it be a problem? I have heard of them getting lost, confiscated, etc....... I know there will be more postage costs involved so the person sending to you would have to pay the extra.

OK folks I need your input on this.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes. No! Got you down.

What I do on rr is stay in the united states.. and then make a deal to trade with the person intl later.

Packages do get lost, there are also different regulations.

What I do on rr is stay in the united states.. and then make a deal to trade with the person intl later.

Packages do get lost, there are also different regulations.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Nice idea Sheran, I could include stamps to pay for the package to get back home. I think this will save some time. I might have had a great pleasure though when opening the enveloppe (I am still a kid when its related to flowers LOL!).
Actually I never had any problem exchanging with US members, nothing lost, but takes more time to get here.
It cost 1.70$ CAN for a small bubble mailer under 100g (2 american stamps on your side of the border) a RR package might be bulkier.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I'd love to join this rr. put me down!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Since this will be my first RR, I think I'd better keep it in the US. I'm so afraid something would go terribly wrong. I'm sorta nervous about this but I'm sure after I've hosted a few Il'l get better [hopefully]. When I get some more experience under my belt, I think Canadian trading would be great.
I hope and pray you understand and that there are no bad feelings.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Just added your name.

Also: if some of you aren't in the addy exch please dmail me your info. If not I'll look it up there.

What is a good cut-off #?? I don't wan't to have too many or too few.


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Why don't you send like to Sheran the seed you are interesting in contributing to the RR and then she can send you a package with seed from all of us? (Just label the box craft items).
So you can have something to open too along with all of us plus to be part of this Fragrant RR.
Just my idea. Hate to see someone not be included tho understand the cost plus other regulations too.

Lilburn, GA


How do I go to address exchange??? Sorry to ask, it's just that I am brain dead.

Spider, I think you go to the "extra's" and you'll find it.
... elaine

Edited for double posts .

This message was edited Jan 16, 2006 12:04 AM

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