Shade Nets !!

kotgarh, India

Hi, I wanna know as to what is the extent of temperature control that a shade net allows ?? What I wanna know is wether a shade net of 50% will drop the temp by around 5-7 degrees Celsius or not ?? I need to put shade nets on my brocolli fields and as the temp during the day shoots up to about 30 degrees Celsius and thats a bit too high for that , so I wanted to put shade nets and hope that I can control the temp and get a good crop .

Any suggestions or facts about the difference in temp in open fields and under the shade nets .


I've noticed this thread hanging out here for a while and was sort of hoping that somebody who had facts would respond but so far nobody has posted so I'm going to take a shot by posting some comments.

Any shade cloth that blocks a percentage of light reaching plants has got to be actually blocking a percentage of all wavelengths to one extent or another to include the infrared wavelengths responsible for solar irradiation. I guess the theory behind the shade cloths is to reduce some light but not so much so that the ability of the plants to photosynthesize would be impaired. It might be nice if you conducted a few experiments to share with us since you evidently have a need to protect your broccoli. I for one would be very interested in knowing what the difference in temperature would be underneath the shade cloth.

kotgarh, India

Hey Equilibrium, So finally someone did post but still no answer to my question 1! Anyways, I definitely will re post on this thread once I get answers to that but you will have to wait for May as thats when the temp really heats up and the shade nets come into play. I've heard from sources that when the temp is about 30-32 degrees Celsius, he shade nets can reduce the temp by about 7-8 degrees which is quiet a bit . Lets see what happens ..


I'll put this thread on watch so that when you get an answer, I will get to know what it is. Thanks for remembering. Please do share what you learn.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi, I too have been watching this thread. I really don't know much about them, I had a small one made up last spring for a small bed that I wanted shaded. I don't know the answer to your question. But, this is the company that I ordered from (they are about 40 minutes from my house.) Maybe you could contact them and if they don't the answer they can contact the manufacture of the shade cloth.
Good luck, let you know how it goes.

Dallas, TX

I am looking for something to shade my Hostas. EQILIBRIUM even though I dont understand what you are talking about (LOL) you gave me something to think about. I sure dont need something thats going to draw more heat than this Texas sun.
Great link SHADYFOLKS...they might have a pressure fixture for my soaker hose.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I love MacKenzie Nursery Supply. I am fortunate that they are only about 40 minutes from my house and on the way to two of my favorite nurseries! The also have a place in North Carolina 800-223-2784, shipping might be cheaper for you, if you are able to find what you want.

They will make any size shade cloth you want. We had a tiny one made up for a specific area. It was 2' x 12' and was only used temporarily. I think it was only about $6 and it was nicely made with gromits too!

Dallas, TX

Shady thank you ...thats just what I wanted to hear! I am going to call these guys and ask what they have for my water pressure problem and my Hosta shade problem.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)


50% shade cloth is going to drop your temps approximately 10 degrees Fahrenheit, how that converts to Celsius, you'd have to do the math. Hope this helps.


Really sorry Sylvia, I haven't looked at this thread in a while until rcn posted and it popped back up to the top. Forgive me, I have kids in elementary and junior high so I'm getting an education all over again and one of my kids was just studying light. What I basically said was that shade cloth would block a percentage of all wavelengths to include the infrared wavelengths which are responsible for heat. Thanks to my kids and homework assignments, I have a handy dandy conversion application here for all kinds of measurements so if Debbie says the 50% shade cloth will reduce heat by about 10°F then the reduction in Celsius would be right around 5.5°. I'd still be most curious to know what temperature reductions khaadu75 gets this coming growing season.

Glad this thread ended up at the top again. Shadyfolks, thanks for your info on MacKenzie Nursery Supply. I've got an area that is about 10 x 10 that I needed to get 70% shade cloth for and I'll use your people.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Glad to be of assistance:>)
Hey if anyone is interested there is a great little conversion program (that converts all kinds of things) that you can download. I place it on my desk top and I'm glad to have it. Here is a link to it:
then Scroll down to where you see the link that says: Small Converter Program(Awesome).

Dallas, TX

Shady I just called that NC # and the woman had no idea of what a pressure device is. lol she wasnt very helpful with the shade cloth either I asked to send me a catalog ....bless her heart. lol
Anyway do you have the phone number for your place there in Ohio?

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, that's not very helpful. I'm surprised. the guys I deal with are always very knowledgeable. Here is a link to their irrigation page: Does this help??
The Ohio phone is 800-777-5030. Good luck

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Shady, thanks for that link - I've always been terrible at this kind of thing - just never bothered learning it - figured I wouldn't have any reason to use it! Now I've got your link, it will be at my fingertips if and when I need it! Hoping this information helps khaadu if he/she is still checking in!

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

You will be happy to know that Mackenzies is a wholesaler/retailer. Here is a link to another thread I was giving price information about Osmocote which I also purchase through this company. I am fortunate that they are about 40 minutes from my home and I don't have to pay for shipping:)

Hey khaadu did you find a solution to your problem?


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