
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Anyone? (I noticed someone else mentioned her.) I have half-heartedly tried her method more than once. I do now keep my sink pretty shiny, my dishes wind up in the dishwasher sooner than later, and I almost always have on clothes, makeup and shoes before too much of the day slips by me.

And I *like* my house better when I keep it picked up and tidy. But with three kids who truly believe in the laundry fairy and the cleaning fairy, it's a struggle to keep up. And it's not just them - my desk is a pit, and it's no one's fault but mine. (If I don't go online and schedule a bill for payment as soon as I pull it out of the mailbox, it might end up swallowed on my desk and never seen again - eek!)

Anyone else find a similar-but-better alternative to Flylady? Something that automatically infuses you with the overwhelming urge to rise from your chair and go clean out a closet? (*grin*)

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