Monkey Puzzle Tree

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Just thought I'd share this pic of a female tree I'm going to harvest cones on next Saturday. This tree is unusual in that it has retained all of its lower branches. Female trees typically lose 1/2 of their lower branches. Looks like we're going to have a solid week of constant rain so it'll be a wet harvest. The cones which are a bit smaller than a football, larger than a softball, fall apart when nudged. I'm thinking of using a 5 gallon pot on a stick to catch them as they break apart unless any of you have a better idea.

Thumbnail by growin
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I do have a better idea -- give us here in the Midwest a little taste of your climate!

Do you have a bucket truck, or are you going to climb it?

Guy S.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I'm not sure you'd like the relentless rain. I have rented an insured/certified arborist as the trees I'm harvesting from are on private residences.

I am puzzled on how to climb this tree.

I'm afraid that you aren't thinking along the right lines this time growin. The answer to your question is glaring at you. Rent a small child who is agile. I would suggest you enlist the services of a kid to crawl in under the lower boughs then shimmy on up so once he got closer to the top he could vigorously shake the tree and then the pine cones will fall to the ground. My kids would love to do this for you. When can I send them to you so you can put them to work?

By the way, if my suggestion doesn't work... just keep the kids for your next project.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

You would need rope & saddle. Shimmying won't cut it with a monkey puzzle, altough it surely would cut the kid!

Boy, you are really desperate to get rid of the rug-rats, aren't ya? You tried to sic them onto me last month too!

PLEASE send us some of that rain so we can get recharged before spring. Another drought like 2005 and a lot of trees are going to buy the farm (kick the bucket, whatever).

Guy S.

I can send them in protective outer wear?

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

LOL! There's a reason they call it "Monkey Puzzle Tree" as the leaves are extremely sharp and handling a branch is difficult. If you don't watch what you're doing, a branch can swipe back at ya and cause alot of damage. I wish I could send some water your way as we have an overabundance of it right now. Small streams on the roads and huge puddles on sidewalks. The park is one big mud puddle. As I always say, "Stop Global Warming - Grow more trees!"

Oregon City, OR(Zone 8b)

Will the seeds germinate, even if that's the only monkey puzzle tree around?

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

A viable seed is quite obvious - bright orange. Here's a pic of the good seed from a cone. The rest is non-viable seed. If you're in Oregon City, you probably have Monkey Puzzles around. If you knock the cone off the branch, look for bright orange seed.

Thumbnail by growin
Oregon City, OR(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the info. It's worth a look, definitely.

There are tons of monkey puzzle trees closer into Portland. I've always wanted to start one from seed, but I assumed I'd have to get seed from trees that are close together. The closest I've seen is 1 block apart.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

You should be able to find some seed on the ground around the base of female trees. Remember, female trees are wide at the top, males are typically conical. I found a few seed at the base of a tree yesterday. I actually ate a few seed to see what they were like - waterchestnut-like. Not bad. To germinate the seed place them 3/4 in the soil with the squirrel tail up and keep the soil moist, in shade and I've heard several people say that they've grown them well in a basement north facing window. They are fairly easy from seed if you keep in mind to keep it cool, humid and shaded.

(Zone 11)

I have collected seedlings from underneath large trees on vacant property.
There were tons of them but i only grabed 10 to12 of them.
I potted them up a few months ago and they're just fine.
Good luck!


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Here's a few pics from my harvest. Not too many seeds in the cones.

Thumbnail by growin
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Here's a young female cone

Thumbnail by growin
Oregon City, OR(Zone 8b)

Wow, what a great thread. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
This will be my next project.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Thanks undercover_owl.

I'd save your money on a bucket truck and collect under the trees in Sept/Oct/Nov. It was fun despite losing money on it. I just have a thing for these trees. I'm glad you like the tree. Hopefully I will be more successful in the fall with a harvest. Ask me any questions you have on Monkey Puzzle Tree. I'm surprised they are on the Endangered Species List (CITES I) yet they grow on the Westcoast so well.

Great photo of a cone! Good job!

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