The Lily Pad

Fenton, MO(Zone 6b)

Has anybody out there bought from the The Lily Pad(
Thanks Dennis

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I think you got and extra ")" in there. Try this

Myrtle Beach, SC

I haven't bought anything from them but comparing prices, they seem on the higher side. They sure have some beauties !! God bless, Margo

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Actually, I was just looking at the Lilypad yesterday and thought their pricing pretty good. The Lily Garden had Midnight and Double Prize at 15.00/bulb and the Lilypad had Midnight at 4.99 and Double Prize at 6.99. My experience is you get what you pay for. The Lilypad bulbs are probably smaller and you will probably have to wait a few years for the desired affect.

Fenton, MO(Zone 6b)

I thought the same thing but they state on most of there Bulbs 18/20cm

Myrtle Beach, SC

Thanks so much, Beaker_ch, I'll go nose around again :)) I love bulbs even more this year for some reason. Every year, a new passion:)
God bless, Margo

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I'll have to go back and check. 18/20cm is very good for those prices. I saw Midnight for sale for 27.00 at some place in the Northwest. It's a real beauty. I may just give the Lily Pad a try. BTW, it's called Obsessive Plant Disorder or maybe in this case, Obsessive Bulb Disorder.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

OBD...didn't the Beatles write a song about that? ;)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, I suffer from this condition!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I went, I saw, I bought. Picked up Sea Treasure and Midnight Stain at 18/20 cm, Purple King and Aprodite at 14/16 cm and Triumphator (bulb size not listed). I've been wanting Sea Treasure and Triumphator since last year and Midnight since I saw a photo from a mutual lily enthusiast from Down Under just a week ago or so. They are about in the peak of the mid-lily season down there. The Lily Pad indicated that bulbs were shipped between Fed 28 and April 15 and I requested an April delivery. I hope they don't ship too soon. Minnesota has some of its worst snow storms in March. We'll see how good these guys are!

Excelsior, MN(Zone 4a)

"...OBaDah, life goes on and on..."

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

LOL Syb ~ you always 'get me'.

Fenton, MO(Zone 6b)

I recieved my order from the lily pad and was very happy with the size and quality

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Both B and D and the Lily Pad had booths at the Portland garden show the weekend before last so I was able to make essentially a side by side comparison of their products. Overall I thought the Lily Pad quality was the better of the two for quality and price. Most of their lilies had plump roots; some of B and D's that I would have been interested in seemed rather dessicated so I passed on them. The Lily Pad had this half barrel stuffed to the brim with open stock Casa Blancas having nice juicy lookin' roots for around 3 bucks or so each. Had to pass on them because I AM OUT OF ROOM! (anyone else have this problem LOL?).

I did purchase a Midnight strain from the L.P. and am hoping for a dark pink/purple. Anyway, I give the Lily Pad a thumbs up for bulb quality. Oh, I also bought a single fan "Big Smile" daylily from them and it is happily thriving in my little greenhouse and their other daylilies looked to be in excellent condition.

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