Re: yellow mimosa or acacia dealbata

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

When I posted a message earlier regarding to where can I find mimosa shrubs, I was talking about acacia dealbata which bloom yellow, commonly named also mimosa's. I know that they are available in the U.K. and in France but I like to find a source here in the U.S.

You are probably a little bit too far north for Acacia dealbata to survive. That's a southeastern Australian Mimosa. You might have a micro climate on your property that would be hospitable to this species but my gut feeling is that you will end up with a dead tree after the first winter. I've grown plants that have defied the odds so if your heart is set on this plant, go for it.

You can get seed for this plant here-
and here-
Germinating it is tricky but not impossible.

You might be able to get an actual plant here-

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I have been successful with Acacia dealbata and a few other Acacias but our climate is simular to the UK. I use British hardiness tests to figure out which ones work well here. Try this nursery for the east coast:

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

thank you for the info, I check it out and they are located in Virginia about 75 miles or so from where I live. I will find out their hours and I will go there . It should be real interesting.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Good luck on that and mention to him I sent ya. Mike from Vancouver. He'd have a much better idea which ones work best in your area as he tries them out himself.

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