Growing Supermarket Potatoes

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

I've never grown potatoes in the garden before, but have been thinking about it.

Anyway, bought a bag of Yukon Golds a few weeks ago & sort of forgot about them. Just found that about half the bag is perfectly fine; the other half is sprouting.

Am thinking that if I cut these up, dusted them with sulphur, & planted them, it might be worth an experiment. Okay, if not with this bunch - since it's so early in the season - perhaps with another.

Anyone do this? And yes, I do know all about certified potatoes, yadayadayada. Was just wondering if anyone had ever had a successful crop from sprouted supermarket taters.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Local farmer here did the same thing and had a perfectly good little crop.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Well, for what it's worth, I planted a bag of small organic mixed colored potatoes last spring and they did OK. Nothing to write home about but they made a modest crop. For me it was a cheap way to get a lot of varieties for $3.99. I got much better returns on my certified seed. Experiment if you want to and you have the time and space but if you want a good crop I would toss those in the compost and start fresh.

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