'06 Veggie Selections

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm trying to get my veggie list together for the upcoming season and thought I'd post what I have so far...I'll be growing several heirloom beans and peas in addition to these, and my tomatoes are posted over in the tomato forum. Chances are, when I get my SSE Yearbook, I'll add a few more tomatoes and peppers.

Golden Beet
Asian Red Noodle BEan
Pandora Striped Eggplant
Cambodian Green Giant Eggplant
Round Mauve Eggplant
Tigger Melon
D'Algiers Melon
Hill Country Red Okra
Romanian Hot Pepper
Quadrato D'Asti Pepper
Alma Paprika
Georgia Flame Pepper
Galeux d'Eysines winter Squash
Lemon Squash
Mandan Bride Corn
Double Yield Cuke

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)


What is an Asian Red Noodle Bean? Have you grown them before? If so how do they taste? Where did you get the seed? I am full of questions aren't i :)

I googled it and didn't get anything. Sounds very interesting as do some of the other you mentioned!


Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

tombaak.... GOOGLE "Harvest Moon Farms and Seed Company" for Web address.
They offer an Asian Red Asparagus Bean. Picture given too.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Melissa, Baker Creek Seeds has them. I'm not growing any of them, but I did notice them.

Right now, my list is:

purple beans that I saved seed from - got the original seed from Horseshoe
Mokum carrots for fresh
a golden carrot to pull through the winter,need to look up the name
Chiogga beets
Thai Pink Egg Tomatoes
Rutgers tomatoes (my dad says they could have quit with them, they're perfect!)
Italian Fennel (to try and for Dad)
unknown peas - got seed that needs to be used up, don't know what they are!
Straight 8 cuccumbers
onions for Stan
potatoes, haven't decided what kind yet

That probably does it, unless someone wants to convince me to grow something else! We don't eat peppers or corn and melons don't grow - they act like they've been sent to Siberia! I might add some pumpkins, but that depends on finding a place to put them. Probably will add a zucchini, but I'm looking for one that will stay in a fairly small space - I have a slightly raised bed for the tomatoes and cukes and a high raised bed for the usual veggies, a bathtub for the potatoes.

LIMA BEANS - I forgot the lima beans! Probably Hendersons - that's what I had last year

This message was edited Jan 19, 2006 7:06 AM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

TomBaak , Note that Red Noodle is what is generally called a Yardlong or Asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis). It is actually more akin to southern peas (Vigna unguiculata) rather than what we commonly call a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/109022/index.html There are quite a few cultivars of Yardlong bean available, and this particular cultivar (Red Noodle) is vended by several companies. Harvest Moon, and Baker Creek have already been mentioned, Kitazawa also sellls them. This type is popular in stir frys, The chinese restaurants in this area usually serve them.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Thanks all!

I've grown Yardlong several times and like them very much. I hadn't heard of this cultivar. I checked Baker Creek when it was something i hadn't heard of, but didn't see them there. They must have sold out :( I think i'll check around and see if i can find it elsewhere, Harvest Moon Farms here i come... Like i need to be spending any more time at a seed site!


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I have some dear Vietnamese friends and am planting a few things in my garden this year that I hope that they will enjoy...(also for PF images...)

Louisville, KY

You have e-mail!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Melissa, I think we have 2 differenct varieties of noodle beans listed on our "combined" order. Our local Asian restaurants use them for stir fryy alot, and I love them!!!

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Janice, That order got a little bit out of hand last night when i placed it :) We ended up with four. Chinese Green Noodle... Taiwan Black Long Bean... Chinese Red Noodle Bean... Chinese Mosaic Long Bean.

The 'asparagus' beans are my favorite. I have grown the mosaic and the green, and they are really good. I couldn't decide between the other two, i tried to get Jeremy to help, he just said "I can't decide either, get 'em both." So we should have lots of beans!

I'll send you the entire list here in a bit.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds great! (Tell Jeremy he done good!) I can hardly wait for the order to arrive - I'm salivating already!

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Yeah, he done great. Wait till you see how many melons and squash he couldn't decide between. LOL

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hahahahahaha! You have your own personal enabler! Lucky you!

Erwin, TN(Zone 7a)

I grow Lianna[I think that is spelled wrong] Yard long Bean --they do great here, --and keep going and going all year long--I think they are not as sensitive to day lengh as some, --and Radishes of course

Thumbnail by Michaelp

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