Magazine bargain - Organic Gardening

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I've just been reading the latest edition of Organic Gardening magazine and there is an offer for all last year's back issues for only £12.50. It is an excellent magazine and is very readable, not interrupted with adverts. I've been subscribing to it for years, so if you would like to try it this really is a bargain. Send your order to Organic Gardening, PO Box 29, Minehead, TA24 6YY or call 01643 707339. This is the price for the UK.

Thet have done a resume of all the different seed companies in the past three issues which provide contact details of them all including some smaller more specialist ones.

P.S. I'm nothing to do with the company, just wanted to pass on the info so others can share my enjoyment of this interesting and informative magazine.


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