Pink dogwood

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

My neighbor has a pink blooming dogwood I've been eyeballing the seeds on. Will pink dogwood come true from seed?


Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

While I can't answer your question, I will say that if you want a pink dogwood & have a Home Depot in your area, stop by it on Mother's Day.

This past Mother's Day all of the spring-blooming shrubs & trees were 50% off, & I ended up with a lovely 5-foot high, well-branched, pink dogwood for $20.

I kept it well watered over the summer, & it's covered with dormant flower buds waiting for spring. : )

(Oh - I also bought a lovely 6-foot high "Louisa" weeping crabapple at the same discount. It too is doing beautifully.)

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

ENABLER! Enabler amongst us! LOL!


Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry - LOL!!!!!

(But you can bet I'll be at Home Depot this coming Mother's Day as well. They put them on sale not only for the holiday, but because by Mother's Day most of these trees are past the blooming stage so they know they're not going to move as quickly. Plus they already need room for the next season's stuff. For once commercialism works FOR us gardeners - lol!!!)

Oh - & I'm not saying it's not fun to start trees from seed, but for $20 I've already got a 5-foot high tree that will be flowering for me this spring. That's not a bad deal both moneywise & timewise.

This message was edited Jan 6, 2006 1:19 PM

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

your's instant gratification.


Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Yup - you're right, I'm the impatient type - lol!! Actually, that's not entirely true - I just can't pass up a bargain - lol!!

The Pink Dogwood was for the gravesite where we buried our blue Doberman on the property. She passed in her sleep at the age of 14. I thought the plant choice was appropriate, in a literal sort of way.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I tried a few pink ones from seed years ago. One is slightly pink while the flower bracts are still expanding, then mostly white. Basically, the answer to your question is no, based upon my very limited experience.

Sorry about your dobbie. We have a big pet cemetery here in our north pine grove. All the graves have basketball-sized rocks with names carved on them.

Guy S.

ENABLER! Enabler amongst us! LOL!

I read that and about fell off my chair. Too funny!

Hey Breezy, really sorry about your dog. The Pink Dogwood was a really nice choice. Post a photo some day please.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)




Did you ever see the movie "Kindergarten Cop" with Arnold where the kids in the classroom are all taught to yell "stranger, stranger, stranger" while pointing at the stranger amongst them? Well, I read what you wrote and I got this visual of you (I don't even know what you look like but I envision a big guy like Arnold but with red hair) pointing at poor little Breezy and screeching "enabler enabler amongst us" and I about peed in my pants. It was too much for so early in the day.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

OK,number one....I ain't no guy*BG*...I be a lady...well, ok lady probably..NOT...but of the female persuasion...LOL. The big red came from when I worked a local health club as personal trainer in body building and powerlifting. I kept my hair auburn so some of the guys called me Big Red or Prime it should be "Grey Marshmallow"hee,hee!

Glad I gave you a chuckle anyway.


Well, I could dye my hair red to cover up my current gray marshmallow coloring and we could be the gruesome twosome. I am of the female persuasion too...body building and powerlifting (in my dreams) but if provoked I suppose I could bite a few ankles down at my level. We could be the female counterparts of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DiVito from the movie "Twins".

LAUREN (a female)

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

LAUREN....LOLOLOLOLOLOL! I'm not overly tall...just 5'71/2" but then Arnie's not tall either. My ex-boss met him and I believe he said he working hard to hit 6'...but that's hearsay so he could be,I'm never wrong...*snicker*

I met another big shot body builder,Danny Russo,and I was taller than him.


Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

You two marshmallows have me scared already!

Guy S.

Well, I've met Arnold and he was hulking to me and I would have sworn he was over 6' tall but maybe not by much. What can I say, I was looking up. I was already short before I hit 40 and shrunk an inch so maybe he's shrunk an inch or so too. Poor Arnold, poor me... we're just a shrinking away. Say, bet he's got marshmallow hair too!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

be very afraid...bwahahahaha!~~~~$;>)+)

well my ex-boss is 6'4-6'5 so most us normal height people would look short to him..LOL.

I've probably lost the 1/2 inch due to degenerative joint disease in my lower back.....but I still claim it.

I was surprised when I met Mr.T in person,that he was so short. Richard Simmons,well we all know he's short but about the same height as me and a real goof.

I'm such a name dropper but we don't have the chance to meet too many stars in my "red"neck of the I'm proud of the ones I have there.~~~~$;>P

I've never met Richard Simmons but I've seen him on tv and he's taller than me from what I can tell but then isn't everyone taller than me?

Mr T? He used to be a bouncer for a nightclub down in Chicago along with his buddy Moon back in the 70's before he became famous. Everybody loved him. The man is a saint. Works with inner city kids and has such a gentle disposition. We used to live by him in the 90's... the house where he leveled the place and removed every tree which resulted in a wave of ordinances across the nation. What an eyesore his property was after he "landscaped". No chance you'd miss his house driving down the street. I can't say as I agree with what he did but then again he pays the property taxes on his home and he is such a sweetheart. Yes, he's a stocky guy who isn't all that tall comparatively speaking.

Now I'm going to name drop. Have you ever gotten a close up of Steven Segal these days? He lived (probably still does) over in this neck of the woods. I used to see him in the grocery store from time to time when I was on a different schedule and picking up odds and ends during the day. He was always very polite and soft spoken. Very unassuming and resepctful. I never spoke to him but I can tell you he is tall, very tall. He has got to be at least 6'3" or taller. Yes, he's gained a little bit of weight. And Michael Jordan lived in the area too up until a few years ago. I never spoke to him either, He used to just hang out and watch his kids play sports like other parents. I have no idea how tall he is but I probably would have ended up with a neck kink if I had ever held a conversation with him.

Here's what I know, I'd let any one of them come and whack trees with me. They're all considerably more physically fit than me and they all have a longer reach.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Peggy, I'm sending you a dmail.

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