Now what?

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

We're having some construction done, and the contractors are digging up the iris on the south side of my house. The irises were here when we moved in, but I've never seen them bloom because they are what's left of an old flower bed that's now a part of my yard, and they always get mowed off. Anyway, they're being dug up, and I don't plan to replant them. I don't want to throw the iris away, but I don't know enough about them to store them or whatever until I can get someone to take them...(there are a LOT). Some of the rhizomes (I think that's what they're called) are a good 2" in diameter, some bigger. The lady who owed the house was a master gardener of some sort. Okay, so my questions are: Will they still grow if they are broken; i.e. from digging them up with a pitchfork? Can I put them in a bag in the fridge, or do I need to do something else with them? Can they still be planted? It's been unseasonably warm here. Sorry this is so long, but I know nothing about irises!

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

Okay, so after a little "digging" I see that the baggie idea will not work. My other questions still stand, thanks in advance!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Okay, here's what I would do:

If you have to move them now (summer would be more ideal), I would dig them up and save as much of the root systems as possible. You can use a sharp knife and cut apart the rhizomes into little clumps of 2-4 or cut them into singles, whichever you prefer. Throw away any woody or hollow rhizomes, as they are old and won't be likely to bloom again. Then, wash off as much dirt as you can and leave them out to dry for several days in a protected area (a cellar or garage is great). After they're COMPLETELY dry, trim the remaining foliage back to about 3" above the rhizomes. Store them in an onion bag or other sack that will allow good air circulation. If you store them wet or in an airtight container, they'll most likely rot and you'll lose them. I would trade or give them away by Spring or Summer of 2006 at the latest. Hope this helps!

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

redhed4nu ~ Welcome to DG and the iris forum! After joing DG this past summer, I developed a huge addiction to iris and have learned so much from the experts here at DG. From reading flowerfrenzy's post, I totally agree with her. The main thing is keeping the rhizomes dry. I am so anxious for spring to arrive so I can see all the iris I planted last season. Although I'm loving our warm temps, I'm hoping it doesn't stay too warm for fear of damaging the iris and other perennials. Never boring...huh?!! Judy

Burchard, NE(Zone 5b)

Thank you so much for your help...I really didn't want these to go to waste!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

A lot of people like to trade here on DG, so if you're sucessful in storing them over the winter and they're in good shape, you may be able to trade some of them for new plants.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Put me on your trade list, please. I've become an addict.

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