She's baaaack! Yes, I took it!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Several people asked if I would or did take my greenhouse when we moved. Well, the house isn't on the market so I was free to do what I wanted. My greenhouse came with us on the first moving truck. I finally had time this week and decent weather so I got her back together. Everything is done but putting the rubber strips back in the channels to hold the windows and keep air exchange to a minimum. I'll get to that as soon as I have time.

Building it on top of railroad ties keeps me from needed the base and gives me about a foot and a half more head room. I lucked out in that I had a gravel pad here at this house so that was nice. The only downfall is that the railroad ties were definately not square and not in great condition. I know where I will not buy them next time.

Anyway, it's back up and I am looking forward to moving my hem seedlings out there and getting seeds going soon. :) Until I free up some cash for a commercial size and maybe even after that, this one is what I use to start seeds and get my tropicals into grow mode before it is warm enough outside.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

It looks good, but it looks very lonely out there. :-)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL It's not really all by itself. There is a little barn/tack building about four feet to the left and a bigger one next to that. They sort of look like Daddy building, Momma building and baby building all in a row. LOL I cut them out of the picture because they look so bad. :(

In the famous words of Papa, my great uncle..."All it takes is hard work and money!

Apparently my quote is "All it's gonna take is time and money. "

And there is never enough of either at the same time! :O

Edited because I messed up the famous quote! Jeeze!

This message was edited Jan 4, 2006 8:34 PM

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Yay 'Chele !

You go girl ;-b

ps ..... good idea with the RR ties.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm a creature of habit I guess. I did it that way last year when I put it up and did enjoy the head room. :)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Looking good woman! :)

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Well, it's good that it's not lonely. :0) So, are you ready for me to send you some seeds to start for me?


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL What seeds do you have in mind? I am waiting on about 25 packs from Parks, have 80 hem crosses going, still have a rubbermaid box to get on, etc. hehehe Oh, then there are the cuttings I am about to order....I think I can squeeze in a few more. :)

I need to get down to the other house for trays and cells and four inch pots! I also wanna order some deeper plug trays. All in a days work.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Great work Chele!

That's a marvelous structure.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Looks good!
Glad to see it made it in one piece.
Call me next time you're at the old place.
I want you to see the PH before you get too busy.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Ric, Depending on the weather, we may be down this weekend. Of course it will just be me and the girls. Normally if we run down, it's just a couple of hours during the week.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Michelle, glad to hear that you are as busy as always. I find it inspiring !

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

To be honest, I am moving slower than normal. LOL I have not been real inspired myself lately. ;) It is very nice to see you though!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you're going Dormant.
Cut back on the water and fert.............


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Hey...I'm the one who needs to cut back....not on water...but fertilizer (cake, christmas goodies, candy) ........

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Yeah, you tell him!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


W/ 6 daughters not exactly where I was going..........

Chele we've always loved you just the way you are......
From Punk Metal to Earth Momma your skin has always fit.

Any word on the big GH's you were looking into?


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hmmmm, punk metal? I am trying to figure out if I am insulted or not. LOL

I have decided to NOT incur any major expenses until we sell the other house and even then to NOT get in over my head. I want a BIG one, believe me I do! I am going to take it slow though. If I cover my expenses this first year that will be great. If I make a few bucks, even better! For now, I think I will resign myself to local sales and probably internet sales and go from there. Blonde, yes! Stupid, no! LOL

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

was it hard to take apart and put back up?...we just finally got moved and boy do i miss mine....its still at the old house about 5 blocks from our business but i dont get to go and check things very so worried about my plants....hard to water since we had the water turned off due to heating the house w/wood (and cant keep that goin if i noone is there...)...but any way.....i am just wondering if i should leave it and get a new one or try to move the one that i have.....i cant wait to get my plants here to my new house with me..:)


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

That's a bummer! Mine has a unique system of going together and is about 99% plastic. There are a few metal parts here and there but the whole thing basically snaps together with nothing to strip. It was easy to pop out all the connector pieces, load it up and start over. It was still cumbersome but worked. Mine is only a year old and I couldn't fathom leaving it behind. I also can't/won't spend the money right now on a new one.

If you can afford to buy another and the other would be too hard/time consuming to dismantle and move, I'd leave it. If you think you could manage getting it down in a weekend and moved, I think I would attempt it. I'm a bit on the crazy side though. ;) Do you still have the instruction manual? If not, you could always number the pieces and make sure you have a pic from every angle. If you do have to leave it, it might be a good selling point. Of course if you don't sell to gardeners, they could tear it down or sell it.

Gee, I am not real helpful, am I???

Clermont County, OH(Zone 6a)

Well good night nurse.... I'm gone for a bit and you up and go move away. Glad to see you finally got a place big enough for all you to hang your hats at. So to speak...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL I just wrote back to your Dmail.

Lilburn, GA

Hi Badseed!

It is a very cute greenhouse. Where did you get it from?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Spider. Thanks! It's a Rion. There are several posts about them here in the GH forum. You can find them at , Sams Club, Home Depot, Target and a few other places.

Lilburn, GA

Thank you very much Badseed!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Looks beautiful out on your new property, badseed!

p.s. I ordered my seed for my summer garden today. We must talk! t.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

i wanted to show you my progress on my rion 8x16 greenhouse ,subwalls almost finished

Thumbnail by bulbhound
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Giddy up go! Will you be using a ramp or steps? Your fence looks really nice too! Is that the plastic lattice? I like the darker color with the wood. Is it green?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

yes its the plastic lattice but it wasnt cheap but it was a must, the yellow trumpet vines have been ordered for the entire length of the fence,i havent decided what to do about the door issue, i could try to build a homemade door and use the extra panels from the rear plastic from where the two louvered windows come from ,or perhaps a fold down ramp step . i was supposed to be starting set up now but delays,and more delays.but my babys are doing fair under the grow lights so far...
i plan to use the wall space for dark storage for all my bulbs and for soil and amendment storage so i havent got that door issue worked out, the walls are insulated with waterbed mattress foam, and the mattress it self has been cut to length and will be used for matting, in future seed propagation trays etc ive aleady collected 50 oven racks for shelving and will be setting them up in ajustable tears
so i can make space for winter tomatoes at the back end.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hubby and I discussed the ramp/fold away door issue too. As it is I just hoist even my 25 gallon plants over the hump. LOL I do enjoy the extra headroom in there. It's not that I'm tall. I just like BIG plants.

Keep us updated!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Have you considered the foam will hold moisture and rot your knee walls ?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Waterbed foam, at least in ours, isn't really foam.
It's a Dupont fiber made in 1 or 2" thick layers.
It shouldn't hold any more water than regular insulation, but as to the R Value...........


Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

yes thats correct its a fiber material and very dense,and the r value has got to be good to retain heat in a waterbed, and well you just cant beat the price and the walls have been treated with thompsons to prevent rot and will be sided with hardy plank which im getting from a friend who has just enough for the job and you just cant beat the price...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Do yourself a favor though don't use the waterbed heater in the propagation beds though.
There are threads here about the problems.

We've used commercial oven racks as shelves for years.
Also as sides for compost piles, fencing, ...........
We work for a restaurant supply house so we get used ones for free.


Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

hi henry10 ,yes your right about the waterbed heater i tried it, it seems to work okay during experimenting with it, but after some thought and reading other threads about it i stopped useing it. and i install built in ovens and cookware for a living and have got racks coming out my ears, so it just made sense to use them.also,BADSEED, i have my door issue worked out, and am going to buy additional parts for my rion and just build the door taller. and i forgot yes the fence is green, i almost bought it in white but at the last minute change my mind and im glad i did it would have caught to much attention away from my center piece the the round bed.

Thumbnail by bulbhound
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It should zip along now! Make sure you have about 5 people (no less than 3) to help you set the roof on. It is a lot heavier than it looks but even worse, the thing is really awkward to move around!

Are you going to do away with the short section on the door and add another long one or just add another shorter piece? You may not be that far into yet, but there is a metal pole inside the door for locking and unlocking it. Don't forget to extend that. :) I could see me have it all together and not be able to figure out why the door would not stay closed. LOL

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

BADSEED thanks for the tip im going to wait untill i have it up before ordering any parts but ill end up doing it anyway, i know ill have to have two addtional tees to extend it no matter what but maybe i can save some cash to see just what i can use from the rear windows, also as you may have noticed i decided not to use the black foundation kit so its for sale,if your see anyone who would be interested have them d-mail me ill let it go cheap cheap...

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Way to go Chelle!! Been wondering bout you. Hope everythings fitting into place. Now I know who to ask for seedlings!!LOL


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Tina! Great to see you. We are all settled in but haven't sold the other house yet. I have a bunch of seeds, cuttings, plugs, etc ordered and am working on a website. I'll still be around here but the business end of things will probably hit the Market Growers forum to keep business and pleasure seperated. :) Don't forget to hit me up for the red hot poker when things warm up. I replanted them and they should be ready to travel come spring!

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