My cybister amaryllis bulbs came, and wow!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I ordered 'La Paz' cybister amaryllis bulbs from and they came last week. I had them sent to work so they wouldn't get caught out in the cold and I just got back to work today and got them. WOW. They're huge! (Well, I think they are, compared to other amaryllis bulbs I've got.) And one of them has a little bulblet! I put all three in one pot, really close together (but not touching), so I'm hoping for a wonderful 'bunch of blooms' in a couple of months.

There was quite a bit of dried roots, but plenty of healthy ones, too. I cut the dried ones off and trimmed the dried parts off the healthy ones that needed trimming. One had a tiny mushy spot on it, but I don't think it will matter a whole lot. Here's a picture of the bulbs. The one nasty spot on the one on the upper right isn't anything. It looks bad in the picture, but it's really not.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Here they are, potted up:

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Myrtle Beach, SC

I have bought several bulbs from EasyToGrowBulbs. I have always been so pleased !! They didn't have a certain bulb they had listed as available and gave me a credit of more than 150% of the actual price. I thought that was a very admirable compensation and will always be loyal to them for their products and for their kindness. God bless, Margo

Denver, CO

So good to hear, Kylee. I know we can depend on you to post when they bloom.
(and, your art is in process!)

Both of you, don't forget Garden Watchdog! Sounds great, Margo.

K. James

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

What beautiful bulbs. And don't those roots look good!
I'm gonna surf on over there and have a look!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

The one I'm holding in my hand started growing three days after I potted them up!

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