batik you have it?

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I'm looking for this iris, it's purple with white streaks or verigation. Trade or SASE.


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Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)


You're a sweetheart, I'll be checking back with you on Batik and Amaryllis Bulb. Take care, and I really gotta tell you how much I enjoy your posts.


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SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Geesh...I was looking for this last year and gave up....couldn't find it! KHT....what *don't* you have!! I'm still thinkin' I'd like to be your neighbor!!! hee hee!

Liberty, IN

Nan, you and me both. She is a great trader, and I don't think there is much she doesn't have or know where you can get it. She is, in my book one of the greatest (Josh, you are too) persons here. LOL Tonia

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