Anyone have this...

Athens, OH

It is extremely common in my neighborhood. Everyone shares it. We even give it to all the new neighbors; a little weird, I know.

But no one knows where it first came from. Is it an older species, a newer one, very common?
Any insight would be fun.

FYI, it is about 3 feet tall and slightly fragrant.

Thanks, ROX

Thumbnail by rox_male
Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Could it possibly be Musician? Although Musician's beards are more orange, and yours look yellow in the picture.

This message was edited Jan 1, 2006 11:35 AM

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Nope, I guess it can't be musician either, because that's a fairly new cultivar registered in 2003, and it sounds like it's been in your neighborhood longer than that.

I hope someone else can identify it for you.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Looks like one of the early historics. Small bloom & no ruffles. Vigorous to share with everyone. Many of these have back bred or mutated over the years. Wonderful color.

Athens, OH

Sorry....I should have posted the flower size.
It is about the same size as a standard german iris; perhaps a little smaller but bigger than the other iris I posted (yellow with purple veins).

Waxahachie, TX(Zone 8a)

Indian Chief?
(just guessing)

It's a beautiful thing, whatever it is, & it does have the look of a historic.

Athens, OH

I should have enough of it in the Spring to share. [We aren't expecting any new neighbors this year.]
Just remind me or tell me now and I'll add it to my Spring trade list.

Waxahachie, TX(Zone 8a)


go to

& scroll down the alphabetized list on the left & click on Sambucina.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Looks like Sambucina has white veins and deeper falls. This sweet bloom has yellow shoulders & veins from what i can see in the picture. Could be a relative...

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