Dahlia Seed Project and Swap??

(Zone 7a)

Hi Friends,
I've been sitting here thinking about the beauty of this flower. I have tested and found that Dahlias grown from seed and from tubers take the same amount of time to flower. This is just my opinion..But the ones I grow from seed don't flower in any less time then the tubers I stick in the dirt! And the great part is...You get some amazing results from seed. Sometimes something you weren't expecting. So to make a long story short...

Who wants to do a small Dahlia Seed Robin with me?

Here's my thoughts: You don't have to neccessarily know the cultivar of your Dahlia. But if you know it that would be great to label it as such. If you know the color, height, and make-up of your Dahlia then you can label those as such. Well let me know what yall think and I'll start in my Dahlia stash...he he he.

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Kim, Is great to see you here in Dahlia Land! LOL

You are more or less right about the dahlia seeds growing well. I will say tho, I don't think from growing from seed that you get the quality or # of tubers after the first season.

As for the seeds from those border/seed dahlias, I haven't collected any seeds yet. I guess I would just as soon plant the tuber the next year. I know you like seeds so that is great.

I have only grown what I call the border dahlias from seed the past few years. What I have seen is the single petal/anemone type dahlias. Not like the formal decorative, cactus, water lily, large dinnerplate, etc. types. But I may be wrong.

I do like the border/seed type in certain areas of my garden. But overall, I like the other types I mention above for bouquets, etc.

So guess what I am saying is I don't have any seeds of even my border/seed dahlias, just tubers now. But would love to be part of the Dahlia Seed Robin if I could contribute something else like tubers. But I am asuming that is not what you want anyways. So I will just watch here and see what other people have to offer. Great idea!


(Zone 7a)

Hi Carol, So glad to hear from you. I got many insteresting ones from seed too...Like this one. I will definitely think of something for you. I want you to be a part in this. As for tubers from seed.... I will take a picture of the tubers from the first picture. They were massive and were grown from seed this year :-D

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I will agree more or less with Carol. I have grown the border(unwin mix I believe) dahlias and do recommend them to be grown from seed as annuals - they are more productive than zinnias or marigolds in similar settings. I do have some previous years seeds around yet I think.
I have not heard of any of the larger "standard" types producing true seeds, but I have not tried any myself either.
I don't think that I would be interested in trading border seeds( I still have a packet), but if you wanted me to save some seeds from named varieties of dahlias I could do that .

Thumbnail by bigcityal
(Zone 7a)

Thoise are very pretty. Both pictures I posted grew about 4 feet each.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey, Kim, I like that 2nd picture one. That is a pretty color combo.
You are a wonder woman with seeds, LOL!
If I could find good seeds for dahlias, I would grow more just like Al says for annuals, tho I end up digging up the tubers too since I can't bear to just toss them into the compost pile.
I have just grown like from Lily Miller seeds. Nothing special. When the seed packets go on sale for 50% off, I just look at them and decide if I want to get any.
So if you do have some seeds, great. Just let me know. Will be glad to send you some dahlia tubers later too then!

(Zone 7b)

Stokes Seeds has a few dahlias from seed - I grew a new variety for the first time last year, and had 100% germination with their seeds, and have always had good luck with them.

(Zone 7a)

I have a lot of name varieties and some beauties with no names, and I was able to collect the Variabilis :-D Actually I've never seen a dahlia seed that didn't geminate. I've thrown some away because they all came up!

(Zone 7b)

I don't know if that's good news or not for those of us who feel compelled to collect every single seed produced in our gardens...:)

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

At Dahlias.com which is Swan Island you can buy a packet of seed they have saved from many of their different named cultivars. I have bought and grown their seed two different times. If you h ave lots of garden room, I heartily recommend trying a packet of these just once. You might be surprised what you get. These are not the border kinds like the Unwin's at Stokes.When grown these seed produce a full grown regular dahlia with tubers. One year I had great germination and another year was poor. But each year I did come up with some pretties worth saving the tubers. The vast majority of what you get from at least this Swan Island seed are collarettes or singles. I have one variety that I named Berry Bounty which I have kept the tubers for three years now. I always started seed early in the greenhouse. I have never saved seed from any of my own. It is always so wet here late in the season. I asked Swan Island where and how they got their seed. They told me they collected their own and then had to dry it too. Anyway, Kim, I think you would thoroughly enjoy growing a package of this seed and would encourage you to try it. It is a little pricey but worth it.I used to pay $10 for probably 500 seeds at least. All the best, Joann

(Zone 7a)

Well just off the top of my head I have these:
1. Rigoletto
2. Unwin's Dwarf
3. Bishop's Children
4. Redskin
5. Pinnata
6. Hortensis 'Figaro'

Not sure if they are interesting? I am trying to get my hands on that Bumble Rumble ! LOL

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya KimGaither,

I've grown the Rigoletto's from seed and now they've naturalized in the garden. I haven't collected seed as of yet but intend to do so this season. I've ordered species dahlia seed from Plant World in England this year for D. coccinea 'Palmeri' and D. merckii to add to the other species Dahlias in my small collection. It should be an exciting year....


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi, Don, those dahlia seeds sound interesting. Will be fun to see your pictures of them this season.
Kim, guess I have grown some of those 'Figaro' seeds. Now I remember the name. That is where I got the dark foliage dahlias. I do have some tubers of the cream color/dark foliage one plus an orange/red dark foliage one too.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Carol,

Happy New Year!

Your Tree Dahlias get dug today and should be shipped early next week along with BAW and BAY...lol. Hope you guys are drying out a bit. I just can't wait to see where you and Poochella put your Dahlia trees in your fabulous gardens. I'm hoping to get my greasy little hands on a white double tree dahlia this year from another collector in the bay area. The species seed will allow me to have more dahlias in the back garden and move the Salvia leucanthas out front where they'll have more room to grow without crowding out some of the other Salvias in the back garden. Salvia gesneriiflora 'Tequila' is blooming right now and will be included in your spring shipment of Salvias (better packing guaranteed...lol).

Thumbnail by drdon
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

A macro,

The plant is about 8ftx8ft and is showing off a bit thanks to a milder December. We normally don't see blooms on this one until March.

Thumbnail by drdon
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey, Don, cool pictures and love that color of the salvia. Can't wait!
Getting special dahlias from collectors sound so interesting. A double white one, wow!
Don't forget to save room for dahlias that I am sending you too!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful 2006 year too.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Yeah Don, if you're going to make me find room for an entire mammoth dahlia tree that grows measurably before one's eyes; then you better make room for a big ole boxful of tubers from me too.

Where am I going to put that monster? I could take out the plum tree, that's it! Or an apple tree, or both!

Love the macro in that brilliant fuzzy red. Amazing

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Actually, I have figured out where I am going to put that dahlia tree, Don. Right in my front yard! So maybe it will provide shade on my son's bedroom, LOL!
Annie, you have plenty of room to put that thing. Just take out more perennials, like you said you would. lol

Edited to say, guess Don is going to have a special dahlia bed from just us from DG. He can look at it and remember us, lol. Plus Pam can bring in those beautiful blooms for bouquets!

This message was edited Jan 2, 2006 5:03 PM

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)


You guys are going to love these things. I've still got some space not occupied with gigantic dinner plates. You both know I'm a flower geek so I'll find space for anything you share. They should go out early next week. We're finally getting some weather and boy did we need it. They'll be packed in shavings and ready to pot up or plant and mulch heavily for protection. I really am excited to see them growing up there along with Lenjo's. It'll make great conversation when they're six feet tall on Monday and seven feet tall on Wednesday....lol.


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

So Annie, what will you do with your then? I think I will pot it up and put in my new cheap small plastic greenhouse until after freezing/frost weather time. Tho will have to wait and actually see the plant.
Oh cool! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful garden with others, Don!!!

rosswood, BC

Hello all.
I have grown dahlais from seed with good success but like the tubors best..I,d love to get in on this robin thing..
I have some seeds but can,t say what they r..I just put them all in a jar and hope for spring.
I,m in canada and would love to get some tubors from canada.I,m sure it would be a big kerfuffle trying to get them thru customs.so Canada it is..
Thanx Gord in BC

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Are there any Canadian posters here, besides you Gord? I can't think of any, but know of others elsewhere. DMail me if you want to get in touch with them. Can't hurt to ask.

That protectiveness by the Canadian authorities is really a thorn in a dahlia lover's side! I noticed several growers with websites send to the US only because there are so many hoops and costs associated with shipping to our neighbors to the north.

Carol, my mammoth dahlia tree is tucked away in its shavings inside my tuber room. I will watch it like an egg preparing to hatch! LOL But I'm not telling when I plant it because we are having a contest- remember? Oh, I hope we have a decent Spring with lots of heat to get that baby started....

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