Weight Loss Challange Dec. 31-Jan.7

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I know this is a day early but knew if I didn't do it this morning I won't get around to it tomorrow morning. Sundays can be a bit hectic in the mornings.

No work tonight. I made it thru last night just fine. Propped up on caffine and pain meds of course. I did ask the owners and co workers for prayers as I am still bleeding off and on. Not much, just enough to keep me run down. Today I'll buy a new bottle of iron pills, I knew mine are old & the doctors said they won't deterioate but I checked the date on that bottle last night and these expired in mid '97. That may have something to do with why I am not recovering so well. They aren't that pricey so I think I can afford a new bottle. LOL. We buy multi vitamin/mineral tabs without iron since Jack can't have much iron in his diet because of the hemochromotosis.

No big plans for tonight. To us it is just another date on the calender. We did some watch night parties with our church when the children were small and that cured us. Jack isn't a night owl anyway so staying up until midnight was not his idea of a fun night.

I had a big salad after work last night. It tasted so good. I don't eat as many raw veggies as I should since I have to cook Jack's. I usually just eat what he eats. I have the veggies in the fridge but only use them for occasional snacks lately. Our friend who will be here tomorrow is a big raw veggie eater so that will be a help to me. Having someone to eat them with will get me going again I hope. We both need to lose weight so we can work on it together.

One of the local grocery stores has bone in, skin on split chicken breasts for $.69 a pound. Limit 2 pkg per person. These are huge breasts. We had them as a special at work last night. So I'm having friends get some for me. I'll get mine this morning when I go in to get laying mash. I called Holly to tell her about them when I got home last night. I guess I should call her and see if she wants to go with me this morning. Then if Kyle will go get some after work today that will give them a supply for their freezer.

GOD bless and keep each and all of you.

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