Louise, MS(Zone 8a)

Hi Folks,

There is a new security problem in Windows that will allow the bad guys to totally take over your computer just from looking at an infected picture. This security flaw effects versions from Windows 98 all the way to fully patched Windows XP boxes with service pack 2 installed. The problem is in the Windows code itself, so it wouldn't matter what program you used to view an infected picture.

Here's a link to a Washington Post article that discusses the problem. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/29/AR2005122901456.html

What can you do about this?

1.) In your web browser turn off the display of all images.

In Firefox pick Options from the Tools menu. On the Content tab uncheck the box in front of load images.

In Internet Explorer pick Internet Options from the Tools menu. On the Advanced tab scroll through the list of options about two thirds of the way down and look for the Multimedia section of the list. Uncheck 'Show Pictures'

Either way, this won't stop pictures from being displayed by plugins like the Flash Player. So far I haven't heard of flash files being infected, but I use a Firefox extension to block all flash graphics anyway.


2.) If your email program has an option to turn off all images then do that too!

I use Google's G-Mail and it displays small thumbnails of images and should remove the infection as part of making the thumbnail of the image. I'm not looking at full sized pictures from people I don't trust until this is fixed.

3.) Consider ditching Microsoft Windows.

Microsoft swore that they were fixing the security problems in Windows with Security Patch 2 for Windows XP. This is part of a pattern. They always say that the next version of Windows will fix all problems and walk the dog. Right now they are saying all the security problems of the world will be fixed in the next version... Windows Vista. I'm not holding my breath.

In a business environment you have a computer support staff to fix problems. At home you are on your own. I've made my living for a looong time now training the people who fix the problems. From my perspective problems are good for business!

I recommend my friends and family at home ditch their Windows computer for a Macintosh next time they upgrade. You could also use linux, but that requires more computer skills. Windows just has too many security holes to make a good trouble free home user OS. Save yourself a lot of grief!

Good luck,


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