Dahlia friends

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya guys,

I just wanted to take a moment and reflect on the season gone by, the season to come, and the season upon us.

Both Pam and I wish the happiest of holidays to all of our dahlia friends regardless of which one you'll be celebrating and hope that the coming year brings prosperity, good grades...lol, white teeth, and a superb spring and summer filled with color that stops traffic. I know I'll be parking here to see the show.

Please be safe, be happy, and remember that all of us are as precious as those things we grow (all inclusive) and nurture.

You are all inspirations,

A last look at my babies that were just cut down today in preparation for division. Watch your mailboxes!...lol.

Thumbnail by drdon
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

To my good dahlia friend back.
To you and Pam, Don.
I want to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Hope you enjoy the great sun in Mexico. Soak it up strong!

You have been a great inspiration to me with all you have taught me this year. Am looking forward to learning more about those salvias!
Have enjoyed our conversations so much.
Good, clean teeth will be coming up in the next 4 years, LOL LOL

When you get back from your great vacation, let me know and I will send you your dahlias!!!


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Doc,
I also hope that all my friends out there in dahliaworld have a great Holiday and a prosperous(blooms) New Year.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Eureka, CA

And back at ya, to all.....

Thanks too, for "regardless of which one you'll be celebrating".... I've heard more than a normal share of Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays this year. 'Tis the season, regardless of which holiday we choose to celebrate, even if it is solely the celebration of family!!

Okay, I've said my 4 cents worth....

I can hardly wait, just like all the rest of you, to see the fruits of the spring dahlia planting......

Happy Holidays to all.....


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I wish you all a very merry holiday season and a joyful and healthy 2006 filled with lots and lots of beautiful dahlias and dahlia-loving friends!


Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

I am also whishing to all of you a very very Happy Christmas.
DrDon I will check my mail box.........LOL...LOL..LOL

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Hope you have a great time in Mexico Don. Take lots of pics to share with us! LOL

a wreath my sister made:

Thumbnail by mgh
Aptos, CA

May we all find joy and great peace within ourselves at this time and remember to carry it with us throught each passing day...May we remain grateful for this truely wonderful life, with all of its diversity and duality...I am grateful for being able to tend and grow these amazing plants, that enter the Earth as a funky looking root, and emerge with a stunning burst of colorful vibration that just makes me plain old silly happy...As I walk amidst the rows, I just get a giant dose of therapy hahaha...

So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Channukah, Merry Kwanza, Blessed Solstice, Happy Today...and a New Year filled with PEACE, tolerance, kindness, vibrant blooms, and of course...LOVE!

Thumbnail by sudhira
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, Sudhira, just love that beach picture!
Mendy, that is a very nice wreath your sister made.

Aptos, CA

Hi Carol..That's "our" beach here in Aptos...It is especially beautiful in the Winter.

Yes, that is a beautiful wreath!

Happy Daze!

Thumbnail by sudhira
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks guys....I'll tell her you said that.

Sudhira, that is a gorgeous view you have there. Beautiful photo!

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