December 20 - 5 days until Christmas

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Good morning. It's about 5 F out with a windchill in the minuses and a clear, black sky with a waning gibbous moon. I've been up long enough to get dressed, take the first pill, watch the local weather ( one Buffalo NY channel and one Erie PA channel),read through the threads that I'm watching, check my email, and decide that I AM going to make the book bags for my great-nephews today. I've got all the knitting done, with the exception of some stitching together, and when I get the book bags made, I think I'm ready. Well, ready to start baking and cooking!

We bought a new truck. A brand new 2006 dark blue Chevy with a small V8, four wheel drive, crank down windows and no frills. ( I haven't been in it yet, because there are no steps and I can't get up there! Stan says I'll have to carry a cement block around with me. Our youngest DD said," yeah, put it a back pack. I can just see us finding you out in the snow flat on your back with you legs in the air like a turtle on its back!" Charming girl. LOL) We are all just a little stunned that Stan made the purchase. The other two trucks are a 93 F150 and a 94 F150, both well dinged and rusting out. The salt on the roads here is a real vehicle killer. He's keeping the black truck, which is in critical condition, to use for parts for the blue one that's in stable condition. We drove the new one home from the dealership last Friday, and it sits where it was parked. I guess he doesn't want to get it any dirtier than it got on the way home.

I think I will take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and leave you with a cyber version of this year's Christmas card.

It is so seldom silent
but here, for just a moment
a quiet settles, wrapping us,
like the shed in its quilt,
in a time out of time
and we take a deep breath
laden with Blessings and
the Promise of the Season.

May you and your's be so Blessed

Kathleen and Stan

Thumbnail by Kathleen
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