rion greenhouse feedback anyone?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

im looking at the purchase of the 8x20 twin wall and was wanting to hear feedback on the house before i took to the shovel in hand.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have had mine for almost a year! I have to say it is a great greenhouse for the money. Terry and 2pugdogs also just bought them. If you go down a few threads or a page or two, you should be able to find more info from all three of us. I would recommend in your zone that you get the white one. It is supposed to stand up to heat better than the green version. From where do you plan to buy yours? Oh, welcome to DG! :)

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

wow! that was fast im looking real hard at bettymills theres has the foundation base, full shade curtain, five roof vents and free shipping but its in green. ive got an email out to them to see if its available in white from them, but have not got a reply yet ive looked all over the webb and cant find a better price on this package...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Did you check Sams, Home Depot, Target and They all sell them. There are different kids and different inclusions so make sure you read them thoroughly. I ended up buying mine directly from Systems Trading Corp. They set me up as a business and gave me a better price. I had to pay shipping this way but it was still cheaper than buying it outright with free shipping. I bought the 8x12 with no base. Mine is on railroad ties. I also bought the louvred window, two roof vents, shade cloth and two auto openers. I have been considering buying another four foot section. They run about $400 per section best I remember.

Salinas, CA

Sam's Club, Home Depot and Target have good prices but only offer the Rion GH in green. Anyone find good prices of the Rion GH's in white? Will Systems Trading Corp. sell to private customers? Their site says that they are a big time wholesale provider.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I was having problems finding out what the kits included on the Target site. The customer service reps at Target had no idea what came with them. They gave me the manufacturers number (available if you Google) and that is how I ended up with STC. The man I talked to went ahead and set up me up (as I will be a business soon). I imagine you can call them direct and ask how to get distributor pricing. That is how mine went through.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I got mine this summer from Sam's and I love it. It is filled to the brim. 8.5 X12.5. Flowers are blooming all the time. Stays at about 44*, with a heater and a little heat from the house.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

best price yet!
ive located the rion 8x16 in white the pro series kit? includes
two tables, shade net, base, four roof vents, four auto openers, two rear louver window kits, 2400.00! includes shipping at the costco webb site.
im going to call the 800# to verify that all this dose in fact come with the unit best deal yet? but its a little short but i can always get the ext kit later.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Bulbhound I brought my Rion from Costco and it came with the same items as yours.


Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh where;s that @#*%+ credit card!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL @ bulbhound. Calm down. Breathe.....breathe....okay, open your wallet. LOL

ACsAgapePlants was the person I talked to before I ordered mine. Couldn't think of anything but AC when I posted names earlier. LOL

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

well i did it it shipped or processed today the 8x16 from costco ive already started recruiting labor they said two weeks for delivery i will start putting up pics when construction begins...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Wooo hooo! Congrats! I still keep thinking about adding 4' to mine. I bet those things look awesome at 24' long! Can you imagine??

Will you use the base that is offered with it or build something else? I can't wait to see it all done and your smiling face in front of it. :)

Silt, CO(Zone 4a)

It apears that I am the only one that had a problem with the Rion greenhouse. I researched all hobby greenhouses before purchasing . I ordered it thru Farmtek and it was shipped to my door. My husband build the foundation to sit it on and we waited for it to arrive. Upon arrival it was a nightmare to put together. All the little stickers labeling the parts were laying in the bottom of the box. We struggled thru and got it together after a couple of days.
I purchased this in May . In Aug I noticed the some warping upon closer look it was literally melting and falling apart on the exterior . I notified the company and they refunded me my money and said they have only about 2% of their greenhouses warp.I was very satisfied with the customer service I recieved .
I now use it for storage the panels blow off and I duct tape them back on .

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

They gave your money back AND let you keep it? That IS good customer service! I have had a few parts crack (mostly due to us moving it, one in shipping) and they have been very good to replace them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the part numbers were molded into ALL the pieces and not just some?

Can I ask if the warping was in the PVC pieces or the polycarb panels?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow I'm in HotArizona and this will be my third summer using my Rion and I haven't had any problems. Maybe you just recieved a "quirky one".


Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

yes i will be using the supplied base but since im putting it at the end of my driveway {yes my driveway,my neighbors dont know it yet...he.he..he} ill be setting it on a anchored two foot plywood insulated wall. for taller headroom but mainly for dark space for my bulbs and for sterile storage of earth and amendments etc and also nansgardent2, did you purchase a green one in hot climate? just curious if to much heat was a factor? ive read much feed back on the rions and most folks by far, leave the shade on year round.. did you have yours shaded? or up against a hot facing wall or earth embankment? im grasping at straws but it sounds like it worked out for you . i also started my first seed beds in 30 years... and the liitle guys popped up over night! two flats of marigolds and one of trifoliums and some petunius i got 'em in the kitchen and on top of the fridge,my wife really loves me... hmmmm... i wonder how many flats i can get going in the bedroom before it arrives... if i have my way in the spring my neighbors will have to ware color filters when the drive by my house. excited ? baby im outa control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silt, CO(Zone 4a)

Badseed - This warping was on the PVC not the panels . Because basically the frame was melting / warping it causes the panels to blow out. They were generous enough not to make me pay to ship it back based on the photo email to company, otherwise I would have had to pay to ship it back.

bulbhound-I had shade fabric over the top and three vents in the8x10 w fan .

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm really sorry to hear that nansgarden! I guess if you were in an extremely hot climate it wouldn't phase me but seeing that zone 4, I gasp! I have had parts crack and they were replaced quickly. I know when I bought mine, most of their feedback seemed good and the last time I looked, it seemed like they have a lot of bad feedback. I think the design of the doors could be improved as could the gaps in the roof corners but all in all, it does what I need it for and the price is fair. I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience. Did you go on to buy a different type? I'd love to hear more. I am looking at commercial sized ones now but think I'll use my Rion for a seed house for some time still.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I've been searching all the threads where there is talk about Rion Greenhouses. I'm looking at teh 8 x 12 at Costco too.

If anyone has more input to add since you've had yours for a while, I would appreciate hearing any tips or concerns.

The price at Costco is still $2,400 for the same package.


Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Hi Tree_Climber,
Try! They were running good specials on the Rions. They usually always have 10% off.
I bought a 8.6 X 20.9 with 5 windows and a louver for $2049.00 including shipping.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


I don't see where Target says if it includes the base kit or shipping. Are these things additonal?

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Hi Tree_Climber,
Actually I just now checked and the price for the 8'6 X 20'9 is between $1800 and $1900 dollars. It was $100.00 cheaper than the price quoted me on the net (taxes)
I ordered the automatic openers off Ebay for $46.00 and free shipping, Sam's has them cheaper too and the shadecloth from for $110.00 custom made and delivered for this size. Otherwise I would have had to piece 2 of them from Rion. Exact material as the Rion's. All included is still cheaper than the package. Just thought I would let you know!

This message was edited Oct 8, 2006 8:09 PM

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

No the base kit was not included. We used the 4x4's from Home Depot, they have that option of base in the instructions..If you act like you are checking out it will give you the total. Shipping is like $57.99. It is $200 cheaper than I paid from 3 weeks ago. I searched around for quite awhile before I bought it. It is the best deal anywhere. The Rion company was shocked at what I paid for it. Their costs were already totalling over $3200.00 with what was included. (The 3 extra windows).

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Teresa, I would need the base kit, does that come with the Target ones? I wish their descriptions were a bit more specific.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Do they ever run specials on these with more than 10% off? I don't need it immediately, though I'd like it immediately ............. I could wait until spring.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Target usually has the 10% off sale at least every or every other week. Not sure if they sell Greenhouses in the winter. Think they may be closing them out now because they are on sale and PLUS you get an additional 10% which makes that a total of 20% discount.. This was the first I saw the 20% and I have looking a long time. This is the discount code for this week. TCJKHGFD
Hope this helps!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the code Teresa, I didn't notice that there was another 10% discount. Will look again ......

I just don't see that extra 10% anywhere, except if you get their credit card .......

This message was edited Oct 9, 2006 10:04 AM

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

I am trying it but it already knows my computer. When it asks you to create an account you don't need a credit card with Target, ( it says so on that page, they may be wrong). I don't remember what it was they asked. I I just input my credit card #.
But I guess they so they will know you. It will save stuff in your shopping cart even when you close that page. Maybe if you try to create an account. There is a place it asks for a promo or offer code. Then you can review your purchase before you finalize it..
Sorry I can't help,

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

No problem Teresa, I'm just trying to make sure I make a good decision. I appreciate all the help you have offered me.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Target's sale items usually change every Sunday or Monday, so it could be it was on sale 10% off last week but not this week, maybe that's why you're having trouble finding the extra 10% off.

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