Hydrangea had wet feet

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

During Hurricane Wilma, Zone 9b, Florida, one of my hydrangeas was underwater for at least a week. It did survive but lost a lot of its leaves. It appears to have dead wood to ground level but has some leaves at ground level.

We have since raised the bed to solve the problem. Isn't that like a Hydrangea lover to raise a bed two feet for one hydrangea, rather than plant something that tolerates water in hurricane season?

My question is as follows: Do I cut off the dead wood or wait until spring to cut if off?

I thought I should leave the dead wood on for now in order to protect the hydrangea from possible frost.


Hi Nina
You've got a real survivor there! What kind is it?

To answer your question, I would leave it as is. Some of that "dead' wood might spring into life in the spring. But regardless, I agree that leaving it alone for now is best. In the spring you'll easily be able to see where to cut. You get the award for hydrangea lover of the year!

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I don't know what kind it is beyond being a mophead. I do know that it is not the kind you get at Easter.

I can recall where I was and how old I was when I spotted my first mophead Hydrangea and fell in love.

By golly, I will grow them, since I fell in love with them at nine years of age.


Anyone who can love them so well for so long deserves beautiful hydrangeas! I'll bet this one will come back with gusto!

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