Star Hydrangea

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

saw a "star hydrangea" for sale at the grocery store (It was like a florist grown pot, very expensive). Does anyone know where these can be bought? Had pretty star shaped flowers, with little small blue flowers, very unusual. When I went back yesterday,, someone had bought it. They were willing to pay more than i was.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I wonder if this is the same as the Shooting Star Hydrangea I bought today at the grocery store. It was gorgeous... also a bit more expensive than I usually like to pay for plants. But... gorgeous! I'm so excited about mine! Good luck finding another.

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

yes, I think it is the shooting star and even tho I thought it was too expensive, if I see it again, I will buy it as a gift to myself. As you said, it is gorgeous.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

What stores are you seeing them in? Kroger or Publix by any chance? They look great!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I just googled them and can't even find a photo! So frustrating. I'll have to stop in my supermarket but just get this "no way" feeling, way out here, at the end of the earth.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

There are pix in PlantFiles, Arlene.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm certain it's the blonde thing or the senior moment thing. Thanks, pins. I never thought of Plant Files..............or the fact that my son is a Produce Manager in a supermarket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did call four local places and they've never heard of them. These are florists and nurseries so maybe they won't be available here yet.

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

I saw this at Kroger. I love Publix, but it is too far away. I called a couple of nurseries (one of them also sells house plants) and they had not heard of it. Said it is probably sold as a florist grown plant and would not do well once planted in the ground.
looked it up in plant files, said it is a pot plant.

Not do well once planted in the ground? Who are they kidding? A hydrangea is an outdoor plant no matter where it starts out! Be Undaunted by naysayers! I say plant that baby in the ground where it belongs! (Once you find one, that is...)

Arlene, your son is a produce manager at a grocery store? Ask him what they do with all the plants from the floral dept that don't sell. Do they throw them away? You might score some interesting things that way.

You can buy one here: go to From the menu on the left, select plants. The star hydrangea is about halfway down the page. They want about 25$ for it, and that's on sale.
Arlene, doesn't this look a bit like Fuji Waterfall?

This message was edited Dec 15, 2005 12:30 AM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, it does, to my eye, not as educated in Fuji as yours. The link worked fine and if my son's story doesn't carry it I'll order it for myself. Thanks for thinking about asking him about discarded plants. Wouldn't that be a boon! The link did say it can be planted in the ground. I think when blooming is done I'd keep it downstairs with the others, under lights, until springtime.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I found mine at Kroger, too.

Thumbnail by almcfarla
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's lovely. I really think it was named quite appropriately for a shooting star.

That really is pretty! Here is Fuji Waterfall, still in the pot. Does anyone know the history of Star Hydrangea?

Thumbnail by
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

That is an unusual beauty! The only problem I'm aware of with potted blooming florist plants is winter hardiness, but in zone 8 that should'nt be a problem. There are several varieties of various plants that have been hybridized specifically for potted plants, and some don't perform well in garden situations. I work as a floral designer and often bring home plants that did'nt sell and have had good luck with hydrangeas.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I just bought one yesterday at Publix. What a find! Strange little bugger, isn't it?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm glad you found one. They are very different for Hydrangeas!!

Good for you! I'm keeping my eyes open, but nothing yet.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Pixydish, if you can't find one at the grocery, and really want to buy one, I saw it on When mine gets larger, though, I'll be glad to send you a cutting.

Thanks for the offer. I think this will be one of those plants that I'll just keep a lookout for when I'm out and about. It looks very similar to the Fuji Waterfall that I added to the garden this year. If I find one locally, I'll probably buy it, but if I don't I'll just keep hunting!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I am also happy to trade cuttings once mine gets a lil larger if others are looking =)

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