Suggestions on Veggie Gardening in Kansas

Columbus, GA(Zone 5b)

I am accustom to Veggie gardening in Southern Louisiana (9B), and have moved to Kansas (5B)

That is a big climate jump.....

So does anybody have names of good books on veggie gardening in Kansas?

Suggestion on Varieties of Vegtable that grow well in Kansas?

And when to start Veggie Gardening in Kansas?

And just any other suggestion or hints to help start my new garden?

I am curious if I should start the seeds indoors now and replant later?

It is odd writing this with snow on the ground? But I am use to starting in January in Louisiana....

Thank you

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

My, you're on an adventure! I'm sure you'll miss that HUGE growing season, but there are many good things about your new region's gardening... all those great cool-weather crops and greens...

I *think* this is your local extension service:
They should help you get off to a good start.

And I strongly recommend "The Vegetable Gardener's Bible" by Ed Smith: he's got great methods that incorporate season-extending tips, etc. See if you like it at the library...

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm in 5b and many things would be simular here to Kansas except Kansas tends to be dryer and a little hotter in summer.

I start tomato seedlings in late March inside along with broccoli and some super early watermelons [protected for a month]. I can take these outdoors most days for a few hours.

About April 20 I start more watermelons and cantaloupes inside under lights and take out during the day....not everyone can do the taking out, but it really makes healthy transplants. I also start some gourds and a few flowers then...also inside. Outdoors white potatoes can usually be planted then and lettuce, broccoli, kale, carrots and such.

About the first of May I plant my first sweet corn and green beans. Depending on the weather I may or may not cover these with clear plastic until the first sprout. They will cook on a warm day after sprouting if the plastic is left on.

About May 12 I plant many other things including follow-up corn and beans. About the 14th I set out many of the melons...cantaloupes take it better earlier than watermelons. I also set out tomatoes and sweetpotatoes then and peppers and about anything else at this time except lima beans.

I hope this gives you a ball park figure.

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