Searching for the Pioneer Carrot

Stephentown, NY

My favorite carrot variety going back to the 70s was the Pioneer from Harris Seeds. It was a Nantes type that grew well in poor stony soil and developed remarkably uniform roots that required very little thinning. A couple years ago Harris lost the rights to market this variety and I have never found a replacement. Does anybody know the company with the contract and what its new moniker may be?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Scarlet Nantes , Bolero, Favor, Gold Pride, Ingot, Merida, Primo etc fill the same market niche and are similar. Pioneer was a 1964 hybrid that I cannot find in a current reference. It may well be superceded. Harris Moran is currently producing three hybrids in The Pioneer class, MAGNUM F1, NANTESA SUPERIOR, NANTINDO F1. but not Pioneer. You may find one of the newer Nantes types to your liking.

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