I need to brag!!!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I know this isn't related but you guys will understand.

I am soooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

Last nite, my older son called me at 12 midnight to tell me that he got accepted into the dental school here at OHSU, Portland, Oregon. So he will be only 1 1/2 hrs away for the next 4 years.
He had applied to 15 dental schools, had interviews at 8 of them but of course, he has chosen to come back home both because the school is excellent and in-state tuition.

He has been at Arizona State University for the past 4 years and have missed him terribly.


Mendy, by the way, I drove home after Marc's wrestling match last nite by your house and you have done a wonderful job of putting up Christmas lights. What a scene!! Love it.

Ok, enough bragging but am so so proud of my son!!!
Later, Carol

Here is a picture of my dahlias from the summer. A border one.

Thumbnail by daisyruffles
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Carol, you have every right to brag. I am so happy for you and especially that your son will be so close. Hip hip hooray for you and him.

By the way your floral border is awesome. So much color, I love it.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Congratulations, Carol. That is great news about your son.....a wonderful present for you. Love the beautiful picture, especially since all I see today when I look out the window is white. LOL

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh Carol, I am so happy for you and for your son! That will be wonderful to have him so close now.

Thanks for the compliment on the lights. We didn't even put all of them up that we usually do either. LOL Maybe I can talk my DH into it this weekend. ;-)

Thumbnail by mgh
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Looks like Christmas at your house, Mendy. I bet the boys just love it.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep they do! We finally got our tree up yesterday.......now maybe we can decorate it today. lol DH had to go to work last night......no fun decorating without Daddy.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

We usually don't put our tree up till after our youngest 's birthday on the 16th and I try to leave it up longer ; at least through Epiphany. I did put a few decorations in the house though and a few lights outside; like who is going to see em, lol, we still enjoy em.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya daisyruffles,

Congratulations, that's marvelous news. Guess we won't get a chance to meet him now that he's going to school up there. I'm sure it will be great having your son closer to the nest and close enough for some heavy lifting projects in the spring. Both Pam and I are jazzed for you and very happy your son has been accepted into a good school close by. Hmmm, do I hear the washing machine doing extra duty?...lol.

best and woohoo!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi daisyruffles,

I join in your celebration, all that dedication and he's on his way. I know the feeling, my son studied Physics at Brunel Uni in London, and each term time it was a haul back and forth with the car loaded with all his 'necessaries', and what a load! But all worth it.

drdon, you must have been there already, my son used to bring all his 'dirty' if you can call it that! washing back for me to wade through. We all know how students prefer to 'sniff' out the cleanest pair of socks!

The 'best' is yet to come!


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Congratulations to both your hard working son and you parents- Carol and Mr. DaisyRuffles LOL. I know you worried about him being far away in big cities. This is truly a wonderful deal for all of you. Yay!~

He has a bright future ahead of him for sure. And YES you will have to do his laundry and feed him well so one day, far in the future, he will put you in a very nice rest home with a huge 5 acre dahlia garden with asphalt pathways for all those crazy gardening grandmas with walkers, wheelchairs, scooters all toting wheelbarrows with buckets of flowers. : ) That's where I'm retiring....
Congratulations to all of you!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Sounds great to me, Annie! LOL

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Carol look at it like this wash now and he will drill and fill no bill later maybe he can do some drive by dental work for your special friends lol. You are lucky he has chosen such a needed profession and he is luckey you are there to help him. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Aw, gee, you all!
Thanks for your nice comments.

Joann, thanks. Him being close after 4 years being gone will be great. That dahlia border plant I was going to dig but ran out of time this fall. So next year, I will have some for people.

Candy, a present of my son being closer is really a great Christmas present for me. Am glad that my flowers can warm up your heart since you are freezing your butt off, lol.

Thanks Mendy. You need to meet him sometime then. And I need to come by and see the lights a bit closer up too. You have more? Wow you do great with what you have already. Well, save them for the new place in the future.

Don, yes, too bad you can't meet him now. He actually had an interview set up for tomorrow afternoon at Linda Loma. He was going to drive over in the morning, interview and go back and take a final. Wow, what a kid. Tho he is getting burned out. Last nite, he said he was sick of school. I told him 4 more days, hang in there.

Dirty laundry? I have a story to tell you guys. After my son went off to college, he came home one time and I was doing laundry. He saw how I was doing it and of course, it was the same way I have done laundry for years, and he told me that he would do his own while being home. So the moral of the story is I don't do it right anymore and he has grown up. LOL LOL

Janet, physics? Wow, that is really hard. You should be proud too.

Annie, LOL. You are reading my mind!!! What a vision you have there! I can actually see it all!
But you are right about the big cities. He went away to Phoenix, the 6th largest city in the US, from little old Albany, which has only ~50,000 people. But he survived. I actually like him in AZ than Portland tho. I do not like Portland really.

Ernie, love your sign! Yes, I expect free dental work the rest of my life!!! I need a couple crowns so I told him to hurry up and learn how to do them!

You guys are great. Kids are great to have forever even tho they cause so much pain at times but I remember the good times more with them.

Later, Carol

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Carol, nothing like a proud mum. The kids are great, but it's the support of the parents that get them there, your son is lucky to have your support, not everyone does.

My son has been out of the system for some time now, 10 years I think! I had to support him on my own, but I was determined he should have the chance, and he did well, got a first, but it seems no-one wants physicists any more, they all took their business to China. He lives in Sydney and makes his own way now. I think there will always be a need for dentists, this country is bringing them in from all over the world, while all the young graduates leave!
A good education will open the world up to him, the world is your oyster as they say. It also makes them into responsible adults. Looks like your son has a head start there, does his own washing at home? You must be doing something right.
best to you and your son

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Geez, Janet,
Tell your son to come over here to the US then. We can always use a physicist. You did good if you support him yourself. I am doing that now going on 2 years and it sure isn't easy! My son has/had lots of scholarships due to his grades, etc. so that really helped me. The agreement was if he wanted to go out-of-state for college, he would have to come up with the scholarships. And sure enough, he did. Hated to write the many essays for those dang schol. but....
Education to me is very important! My father told me that he can't promise to leave us kids money, but he can leave us with a good education and I think that is so true!
Hope your son can make it on his own then. But have him look into jobs here.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

That brings up a funny story about a road trip Pam and I took in 04. We drove Route 66 the entire distance on our way to a horse farm in Elgin, Ill to pick up some horses Pam was interested in buying. So we jumped into the truck, hooked up the two horse trailer and left the ranch singing Get your Kicks on Route 66..lol.

We as we were driving through one state in the middle of the country, we started noticing the roadside billboards. We were in the bible belt so it fit that every third sign or so was an advertisement for a particular diety, then the other third of the signs was for false teeth, dental implants, or other types of cosmetic dentistry, and the other third was for adult bookstores. Hysterical laughter at the popular lifestyle in this state made our drive through it more comfortable...lol.

The moral of the story is that your son will always be able to find work in the heartland if he doesn't mind setting up his shingle next to a church or an adult bookstore....or both....lol.

I just love the paradoxes in this country.....lol.

Congratulations once again daisyruffles,

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh heck, the images one conjures up! So if you have a good set of gnashers, a bible in one hand and a porn book in the other you'll be OK.....

Carol my son is doing very well, he has always been good at seeing an opportunity when he needed to. He has a computer mathematical brain, and when one can do the probabilities in a flash there is a VERY good way of making money, let's say one has to adjust with the times, and take the oppurtunities presented. He is a world hopper, can go where and when he wants, but he's married a Korean girl he met there, she was taking a course to improve her English, she had been a newsreader for radio and TV, also had her own game show (you know one of those where they go out to get people doing silly things), but had all the work to do herself. They decided Australia was a good place for them to be, and Sydney has a Korean community. So you see it doesn't matter what they do in the end, it gives them the oyster to grow the pearl.

You were very fortunate in having a father wise and caring enough to see you through, my father was a dairy farmer, and in those days grants not easy to come by, and farmers don't like to spend the profits, and as he said 'you will get married and have a family anyway'. Perhaps, but all the more reason to have the education when you fall in and out of the grips of a bad situation, but I am like a rubber ball, keep bouncing back, the buggers won't get me!
Essays, yuk, can do them but prefer the mathematical formula, easier on the brain. Always a sound base to start from, essays require much research. You should be very proud of your son for his determined efforts, I wish you all well, and I am sure he will be there to look after you when you need it, my son has already thankfully come to my rescue once. Look after him, he will look after you!

Keep up the good work

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, Janet, he has already said he will take care of me if I ever need anything and I know he will! Sounds like your son has done very well for him, work and woman wise.

Don, you are hilarious! Love your story but really can imagine that drive. This country never creases to amaze me. The diversity for sure!


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