corkscrew and snail vines.

Rose Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

Justs some info. about mine.....
I had 100's of corkscrew vine seeds last year and a few snail vine seeds. I have noticed that they make seeds for me only when these tinny ants have visited. One should smell a greenhouse closed up with 50 corkscrew blooms open at once. The pods didn't get dry and ready to pick untill the last of Dec. to the last of Jan.
Larry in NC

ps my snaile vines that self rooted on the ground under some bushes made it though the winter out side this past winter..

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow that's great news.

I'm gonna leave my snailvine planted outside next winter then, I have recently acquired corkscrew vine seeds and 2 germinated and I got one cutting to root so I'll have corkscrew outside nex spring too, Hoping to smell those lovely flowers then.

Do you know if the corkscrew can be left outside and mulched heavily? will it survive?

just wondering


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

How many years did you have the plant before you got seeds?My plant was started from seed last year and bloomed but no pods even with the ants.It is in a largish pot and I think I am going to leave it outside.We had a freeze (the first)Tuesday night and it still has leaves on it.Yesterday it was in the 60's.You are about 2hrs North of us.

Do you have any spare seeds to trade?


Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)


Can't imagine the wonderful aroma in your greenhouse...close to heaven! I'm also interested in how old your plant was before it seeded. I'm thinking of growing it after the first of the year from seed. Any suggestions on germination? Denise

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I think I'm screwing things up, anyway I have a similar question in Annuals,

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I am getting some seed from someone on ebay...they are a bit over, a $1 a piece which I don't think is bad.. Park Seed is crazy high!

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